STRADH P.O.Box 7590 Kigali / RWANDA Website : Tel. : ,
VISION & MISSION STRADH aims a fair world where people, fully enjoying their rights and living in peace and dignity, effectively participate in the development of their country Protection, Defense and Promotion of Human Rights defenders’ values globally, and socio- economic reintegration of child laborer in particular.
VALUES 1.Solidarity; 2.Respect of Human values; 3.Service and Determination; 4.Complementarity;
Current situation of HRDs Human rights defence in Rwanda is at such a low level that human rights defenders’ work often makes of them victims because they face some challenges, as: Lack of protective network and that of assistance in case of prosecution; Lack of professionalism ; HRDs’ personal and pecuniary interests prevailing over collective interests ; HRDs’ ignorance of tools ( national, regional or international human rights defence instruments) ;
STRADH is based on the following pillars 1. Defense and protection of Human Rights defenders (Activists) and their advocacy; 2. Professional capacity building of Human Rights Defenders (Activists); 3. Improvement of its members socio-economic welfare; 4. Defense and protection of children laborers, especially children victims of the worst forms of child labor ;
STRADH ACHIEVEMENTS: 1.Four reseaches on human rights and child labor problematics : Preliminary reseach on street child labor (2009); The situation of the child labourer rights in the streets of Rwanda, case of Nyarugenge District in Kigali City (2011); The worst forms of child labor, a challenge to the education for all in Rwanda(2013); Do Me Justice Too : Actions to be undertaken towards violation of legal procedures against children victims of child labour (2014);
2. Advocacy and Trainings on Human Rights Protection 549 people (children, teachers, local authorities, parents and syndicalists) have been globally trained on Human Rights, defense, protection of child laborer’s rights in particular and use of monitoring and reporting tools: Kabacuzi “Umuhuza DDH Clubs
Advocacy and Trainings on Human Rights Protection Agreement with two private radio stations for promotion of human rights and fighting against the worst forms of child labor:
3. Youth Vocational Training reintegration : 452 youth withdrawn from the worst forms of child labor received psychosocial care support and reintegrated in vocational education system. VTC Kabacuzi VTC Nkanga
4. Improvement of children’s families and members socio-economic welfare; A mutual micro credit and savings system named « BIRASHOBOKA = It is possible» has been established and has 445 members (291 females and 154 males).
5. Syndicalisation and HRD protection It’s a programme deploying more efforts for building Human Rights Defenders’ capacity and syndical activism ( militancy).
FUTURE PLAN: Strenghtenning STRADH structure and capacity building of Human Rights activists (Defenders); Advocacy for better protection of Human Rights Activists(Defenders); Promotion of democratic principles values and peace culture ; Defense and protection of children victims of the worst forms of child labor and promotion of a decent employment; Promotion of children families and members’ socio-economic welfare;