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CorrectWrongHome Greek gods 100 Greek Cities Greek Philosophy Greek Battles Potpourri World History
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 The first transcontinental railroad linked the Union Pacific line with which other line?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 100 What is the Central Pacific
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 This act directed railroads to set “reasonable and just rates”, prevented railroads from charging more for short runs than for long runs, and formed the Interstate Commerce Commission?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 200 What is the Interstate Commerce Act
CorrectWrongHome Question 300 This man was noted for his association with the Great Northern Railroad?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 300 Who is James J. Hill
CorrectWrongHome Question 400 Many immigrants entered the United States through this port?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 400 What is Ellis Island
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 A business consolidation that buys stock to control several separate businesses in an industry and then makes decisions in the interest of the entire group is ?
CorrectWrongHome Answer 500 What is a holding company.
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 Laissez-faire policies are closely associated with what type of economy?
CorrectWrongHome 100 answer What is capitalism
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 The Exclusion Act of 1882 was passed because of the large influx of immigrants from?
CorrectWrongHome 200 answer What is China
CorrectWrongHome Question 300 One right the labor unions were eager to acquire was?
CorrectWrongHome 300 answer What is collective bargaining.
CorrectWrongHome Question 400 The first transcontinental railroad was completed when the last spike was driven in the line at?
CorrectWrongHome 400 answer What is Promontory Point, Utah.
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 This man formed the first trust?
CorrectWrongHome 500 answer Who is John D. Rockefeller.
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 This important invention resulted from the work of Alexander Graham Bell?
CorrectWrongHome 100 answer What is the telephone
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 The biggest single reason for the large increase in the American population during the 1800s?
CorrectWrongHome 200 answer What is immigration.
CorrectWrongHome Question 300 He organized the American Federation of Labor?
CorrectWrongHome 300 answer Who is Samuel Gompers.
CorrectWrongHome Daily double
CorrectWrongHome Daily Double question 400 This man is known for using ruthless pressure to force the consolidation of railroads in the Northeast in order to create a railroad empire stretching from New York to the Great Lakes states?
CorrectWrongHome Daily Double answer Who is Cornelius Vanderbuilt
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 This legislation was passed in 1890 to try and stop the formation of trusts?
CorrectWrongHome 500 answer What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
CorrectWrongHome Question 100 Man built a huge steel empire in the United States with the help of several partners?
CorrectWrongHome Geography 100 answer Who is Andrew Carnegie?
CorrectWrongHome Question 200 Great American inventor developed many important electrical devices?
CorrectWrongHome 200 answer Who is Thomas Edison.
CorrectWrongHome 300 Used to stop a strike?
CorrectWrongHome 300 answer What is injunction
CorrectWrongHome 400 Business owned by two or more people?
CorrectWrongHome 400 answer What is a partnership
CorrectWrongHome Question 500 A super-size corporation of combined businesses?
CorrectWrongHome Geography 500 answer A trust
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 100 Focus on money and possessions?
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 100 answer What is materialism
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 200 A one-owner business?
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 200 answer Sole propietorship
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 300 Railroad was built by the Irish workers and war veterans?
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 300 answer Union Pacific Railroad
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 400 A group of local unions composed of skilled laborers?
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 400 answer What is the American Federation of Labor
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri 500 An older union open to all workers?
CorrectWrongHome Potpourri500 answer What is the Knights of Labor