Story of John F. Kennedy BY: BAYLIN BURDETTE
Details About John F. Kennedy He was born in 1917 in Massachusetts. John had eight brothers and sisters. John was a good student. John wrote a book about leaders in In 1963 John was shot and killed. John was shot in Dallas Texas.
Accomplishments John F. Kennedy made the world a better place by starting the Peace Corps.
Facts About My Person He got married in 1953 to Jacqueline Bouvier. In 1960 John was president. He was 43 years old when he was president.
Question Did you like it when your wife got more attention than you?
Resources I Used- John F. Kennedy by Judy Emerson
About Me! I live in Spearfish, SD. I go to school at West Elementary school. My best friend is Brenna. I moved here from Aberdeen, SD. My favorite subject is art!