Your Stars An Astrological Software Roice Allred by CS 491b CSLA, Fall 2008
Contents Overview Overview Data Flow Diagram Data Flow Diagram Planetary Positions Planetary Positions - Trines, Squares, Conjunctions - Trines, Squares, Conjunctions - In which stage - In which stage - Houses - Houses Karmic Wheel - 12 stages Karmic Wheel - 12 stages Chart Calculations Chart Calculations Demo Software Demo Software Conclusions Conclusions
Overview Software Platform - Visual Studio (Visual Basic) - Visual Studio (Visual Basic) - Access Database - Access Database - Crystal Report Viewer (Business Objects) - Crystal Report Viewer (Business Objects) Produces Astrological Charts - Maintain Client Database - Maintain Client Database - Useful Tool for Astrologers and Novice Users - Useful Tool for Astrologers and Novice Users - Trines, Squares, Conjunctions, Houses, Ascendant - Trines, Squares, Conjunctions, Houses, Ascendant - Breakdown of the Karmic Wheel (System of 12) - Breakdown of the Karmic Wheel (System of 12) Database Structure and Software Flow
Data Flow Diagram
Planetary Positions Planets positions on the date of Birth - Cycles around the Sun broken into 12 - Cycles around the Sun broken into 12 - Relationship with each other - Relationship with each other a. Conjunctions - Same sign and quadrant a. Conjunctions - Same sign and quadrant b. Trines - T riangular formation from each other based on b. Trines - T riangular formation from each other based on c. Squares - Square formation from each other based on c. Squares - Square formation from each other based on Houses - Time of birth - First House (Ascendant/Rising) - 2nd - 12th house follow Karmic wheel
Karmic Wheel (Signs) SignPeriodTraits Libra(Scales) 9/23 – 10/22AirLeaderPartnerships Scorpio(Scorpion) 10/23 – 11/22WaterFixedIntuitive Sagittarius(Centaur) 11/23 – 12/22FireMutableAdventurous Capricorn(Goat) 12/23 – 1/20EarthLeader Family oriented Aquarius (Water Bearer) 1/21 – 2/20AirFixedUnconventional Pisces (2 Fish) 2/21 – 3/20WaterMutablePsychicSignPeriodTraitsAries(Ram) 3/21 – 4/20FireLeaderImpulsive Taurus(Bull) 4/21 – 5/20EarthFixedStable Gemini(Twins) 5/21 – 6/21AirMutableDuality Cancer(Crab) 6/22 – 7/22WaterLeaderSensitive Leo(Lion) 7/23 – 8/22FireFixedDominant Virgo(Virgin/Maiden) 8/23 – 9/22EarthMutableAnalytical
Example Karmic Wheel
Chart (Karmic Wheel) Aries Taurus GeminiCancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces 60 0 Trines 60 0, 120 0, 240 0, Squares 90 0, 180 0,
Demo Software Sky Chart? Sky Chart? Your Stars Your Stars
Conclusions Need to refine code (1 location) to open/close tables Need to refine code (1 location) to open/close tables Ascendent/Rising calculations Ascendent/Rising calculations Found corrections in newer Ephemeris Found corrections in newer Ephemeris Purchase/obtain Crystal Reports (very nice exporting) Purchase/obtain Crystal Reports (very nice exporting) Output birth date to sky chart (Contact company, Interops) Output birth date to sky chart (Contact company, Interops)