American Saddlebred Division 2016
New Rule Effective : ASHA Membership Owners, riders, drivers, handlers and trainers of horses participating in all American Saddlebred classes must be current competing members in good standing of the American Saddlebred Horse Association.
Important Points to Remember… A judge must order from the ring any unruly horse or ones whose actions threaten to endanger others. A judge must order from the ring any rider, driver, or handler who exhibits inappropriate or dangerous behavior, or whose actions would in any way threaten the safety of others. This is a matter of both safety and fairness to other competitors.
Helmets Remember, any exhibitor may wear protective headgear and/or a protective safety vest in any division without penalty from the judge (GR801.4)
Workouts Will be judged as a separate class, and horses must be tied for placings being considered in the workout An exhibitor choosing to not complete the workout for any reason has the option of lining up and receiving the last ribbon awarded in the workout. An exhibitor is entitled to only one 5 minute time out per class, including workout.
Line-up Exhibitors are required to continue in a clockwise direction to the line-up. Judges are required to penalize entries that do not comply.
Soundness Horses must be serviceably sound. If the judge feels an entry should be disqualified due to soundness, the vet may be called as a consultant. If so, the vet’s decision will be final. If the vet is not immediately available, the judge’s decision as to the soundness of a horse shall be accepted for the purpose of excusing a horse from showing.
Judging Criteria-SB106 The order in which each criterion is listed in the class specifications determines where the emphasis should be placed. Remember there are different specifications for each division, listed in order of importance. Always consult the class specifications
Open Classes The OPEN horse should be the ultimate representative of the breed and as nearly perfect as possible. Should perform all gaits with animation, brilliance and extreme action at both ends. Performance is paramount.
Class Specifications
Open, Junior, Maiden, Novice, Limit PerformancePresenceQualityMannersConformation LadiesMannersQualityPresencePerformanceConformation Junior ExhibitorMannersPerformancePresenceQualityConformation Amateur, Masters, Owners MannersPerformancePresenceQualityConformation Park-Open, Junior, Maiden, Novice, Limit PerformanceMannersPresenceQualityConformation Park-Ladies, Junior Exhibitor, Amateur, Owners, Masters MannersPerformancePresenceQualityConformation
Ladies Classes A LADIES horse should be outstanding in refinement and elegance with suitability of horse to rider taken into consideration. Expression is important and quality is a prime consideration. Gaits should be performed with brilliance on command. Horses should walk and stand quietly. Manners are paramount.
Junior Exhibitor Classes A JUNIOR EXHIBITOR’S horse should be mannerly, willing and expressive with balanced action. Gaits should be performed with brilliance on command. Horse should walk and stand quietly. Manners are paramount.
Amateur, Master and Owner Classes The AMATEUR’S, MASTER’S and OWNER’S horse can be a bit stronger and perform in a bolder manner than a Ladies’ or Junior Exhibitor’s. More action and animation are desired. Less emphasis can be put on manners than in Ladies and Junior Exhibitor classes.
Performance Classes
Three Gaited Epitome of beauty, brilliance, elegance, refinement and expression Gaits are collected, energy directed toward animation and precision Shown at the animated walk, park trot, and canter Park trot: Highly Collected Speed to be penalized Energy directed towards animation, not speed
New Rule Effective Horses competing in the ASR Three-Year-Old and Four-Year-Old Three Gaited Sweepstakes classes may be shown with a full mane.
Five Gaited
Should possess beauty, brilliance, elegance and refinement Energy directed toward speed in an animated form Shown at the animated walk, trot, slow gait, rack, and canter Trot: Should show speed in form with control and balance Canter: Acceptable (but not encouraged) to be bolder and stronger in classes where manners are not paramount Slow Gait: Highly collected, propulsion coming from behind NOT A MEDIUM RACK
Five Gaited continued Slow Gait (continued) Executed slowly, but with true and distinct precision SPEED IS TO BE PENALIZED High, lofty, brilliant and restrained denoting the style, grace and polish of the horse Rack: Smooth and highly animated Performed with great action and speed in a slightly unrestrained manner (must remain in form with a good headset) TO BE PENALIZED- any tendency to become trotty, pacey or hitchy gaited
A True Rack- with only one foot on the ground Photo by Howard Schatzberg
Pacey horse- two feet on the ground at one time Photo by Howard Schatzberg
Fine Harness Should possess all of the elegance and refinement of the ideal Saddlebred Energy directed toward animation rather than speed Shown at the animated walk, park trot, and “show your horse” (exception: “show your horse” is not called for in Ladies, Jr. Exhibitor, Amateur, Masters, Owners, or Amateur Owners classes) Speed will be penalized
Fine Harness-Line Up Should stand quietly in line-up but shall not be required to back May be unchecked Attendant may stand on feet but then must remain at least two paces from head when being judged Attendant may carry only one standard riding crop
Park Horse Should be stylish with finish and quality, well-mannered Should be animated and graceful in all gaits Three Gaited Park- Ladies, Jr. Exhibitor, Amateur, Owners, A/O, Masters and respective Championships- Horses to stand quietly in the lineup.
Park Horse Gaits Animated walk or flat walk Trot Canter Five-Gaited classes: add slow gait and rack Fine Harness Park classes: add park trot and animated walk
Recent Rule Change SB134 Park Horse Description and Eligibility Cannot compete in any pleasure class (including Park Pleasure) at the same competition. May compete in Three gaited, Five gaited, Fine Harness, In-Hand, Parade or Model classes.
Park Pleasure Stylish with finish and quality well mannered Shown at flat walk, trot, and canter Country Park Pleasure Must be obedient with prompt transitions Must be asked to halt and stand quietly on the rail both ways of the ring Shown at the true flat walk, trot, extended trot, and canter
English Show Pleasure Horse has less animation than the Three-gaited, Five-gaited, or Fine Harness horse High, natural, free-moving action is desirable Manners and suitability as a pleasure mount are paramount Transitions should be smooth and effortless Light contact with mouth must be maintained Must stand quietly and back readily in line up TO BE PENALIZED: pulling, head tossing, laboring action, going sideways and tail switching
English Show Pleasure continued Shown at the flat walk, trot, canter, plus slow gait and rack in Five-Gaited classes Flat walk: Special emphasis placed on true, flat walk Show Pleasure driving classes: Shown at the flat walk, trot, and extended trot Extended trot: Faster, stronger and bolder with a fuller extension of stride. Speed to be penalized. Judged 75% on manners, performance, presence, and quality; 25% on conformation.
English Country Pleasure May be less showy than the Show Pleasure horse but should still be typical of the breed Easy, ground covering action is desired Manners and suitability as a Pleasure mount are paramount Transitions must be effortless, smooth and prompt Special emphasis is placed on a true, flat walk Must be asked to halt and stand quietly on the rail both ways of the ring
English Country Pleasure continued Must be plain shod or unshod – No bands, bars, pads, wedges, lead, springs – No attachment that extends below bottom of shoe – No foreign substance not specified as permissible – Sole and entire frog must be visible – Animal with prohibited shoeing MUST BE DISQUALIFIED from further competition at that competition Braids and artificial manes are prohibited Inconspicuously applied hair in tail is permitted
English Country Pleasure continued Must stand quietly and back readily in the line-up TO BE PENALIZED: pulling, head tossing, laboring action, going sideways and tail switching Shown at the flat walk, trot, extended trot, and canter (plus slow gait and rack in 5-Gaited classes) – Extended Trot: faster, stronger, bolder with fuller extension of stride, highly collected Country Pleasure Driving classes: – Shown at the flat walk, trot, and extended trot
English Country Pleasure continued To be judged: 75% on manners, performance, presence, and quality 25% on conformation
Western Horse should have more substance, especially in the quarters Shown on a reasonably loose rein without undue restraint Manners are paramount, must have prompt, smooth transitions Special emphasis is placed on a true, flat walk Must halt and stand quietly on rail both ways Must stand quietly and back in the lineup
Head Carriage
Western Division continued TO BE PENALIZED: pulling, head tossing, laboring action, going sideways and tail switching Shown at the flat walk, jog-trot, and lope Jog-trot: Should generate very little motion in the saddle Minimum of control from rider Free easy, two beat diagonal gait No tendency to mix gaits Lope: Neither too slow or too fast; consistent and steady Should be comfortable with definite three beat cadence
Recent Rule Change SB115.5 Western Jog Trot: The jog is primarily a Western Pleasure gait used for long distance riding. It should generate very little motion in the saddle with a minimum of control from the rider. A free, easy, two beat diagonal gait without a tendency to mix gaits.
Remember to check specifications Class specs differ with the different types of Western classes (Country Pleasure vs. Show Pleasure vs. Working Western, etc) Always check SB161 Classes Offered and Specifications
Western Faults Chart
Western Faults Chart continued
Rule Clarification Effective Whips are prohibited except for riders riding side saddle.
Romal Reins Riders hand is to be around reins No fingers allowed between reins Only one hand may be used and may not switch hands unless to negotiate an obstacle in a trail class.
Illegal Rein holds for Romal Reins One finger between reins Two hands
Split Reins One finger is permitted between split reins when the end of the reins fall on the side of the reining hand.
Curb Chains and Chin Straps Must be flat, at least ½” wide, and lie flat against jaw No rounded, rolled, braided or rawhide curb straps No wire, rawhide, metal or other substance used with or as part of the chinstrap or curb chain. Curb chains wrapped in latex are illegal.
Bits- Measuring Shank Length Shank maximum 8 ½” in length- vertical line from upper most part of the headstall slot to the rein ring
Tongue Ties and Checking Bridles Tongue ties are allowed in Western Classes (SB104.2) If bridles are to be checked, it is the sole responsibility of the judge to do so. The judge may designate the steward to check bridles at the out gate. Riders must dismount. (SB157.4)
Hunter Country Pleasure Horse should be in a longer frame with lower neck carriage and a relaxed headset with less bend at the poll High headed horses and horses behind the vertical MUST BE PENALIZED
Behind the vertical-must be penalized
High Headed-must be penalized
Hunter Country Pleasure Must give distinct appearance of being a pleasure to ride and display pleasurable and relaxed attitude Light contact with mouth must be maintained at all gaits Manners are paramount, must have prompt, smooth transitions Special emphasis is placed on a true, flat walk
Hunter Country Pleasure continued Must halt and stand quietly on rail both ways Must stand quietly and back readily in the line- up TO BE PENALIZED: pulling, head tossing, laboring action, going sideways and tail switching
Rule Change Effective 4/1/15 To be penalized: excessive speed at the hand gallop
Hunter Country Pleasure Appointments Entries must be penalized for incomplete appointments but not necessarily disqualified. Hunter-style equipment, including a forward or balance seat saddle. Exception: an appropriate style side saddle is permitted.
Hunter Country Pleasure Appointments A snaffle bridle, pelham with two reins, kimberwicke bits or a full bridle (curb and snaffle). Breast plates are permissible, but martingales are prohibited.
Rule Change Effective 4/1/15 Hunter Country Pleasure Appointments If a full bridle is used, it must be of hunter style and with curb shanks not exceeding five inches (5”). Curb shanks exceeding five inches will be penalized.
Hunter Country Pleasure Gaits Walk: four beat, straight, true, flat footed. Regular and unconstrained with good reach. Trot: mannerly, cadenced, balanced. Performed at medium speed with a free moving, ground-covering stride, rider posting Extended trot: bold, energetic, balanced, ground covering, definite lengthening of stride without a sense of racing or scurrying Canter: three beat, even, smooth, unhurried, correct and straight Hand gallop: long, free, ground-covering stride. Lengthening of stride must be shown (not just a fast canter). Horse remains controlled, mannerly, and straight
Rule Change Effective 4/1/15 Saddle & Bridle’s Hunter Classic No jumping during qualifying classes or during the finals.
Rule Change Effective 2/1/16 Saddle & Bridle’s Hunter Seat Classic Backing on the rail has been removed Horses will only be required to back in line up
Check your specifications Class specs differ for each type of Hunter class Always check SB166 Classes Offered and Specifications An appropriate style side saddle is permitted
Ladies Side Saddle see Subchapter SB-19 for details. SB 195 General–The American Saddlebred Ladies Side Saddle horse should be typical of the American Saddlebred breed. SB196– Tack and attire appropriate for: Saddle Seat, Hunter, Show Hack, Western, or Period costume. SB198– Class Specifications: To be shown at a walk, trot or jog-trot, canter or lope both directions of the ring. Horses should back readily if requested by the judge and stand quietly. To be judged: 85% on manners, performance, suitability, quality and conformation; 15% on appropriate side saddle attire. Manners and suitability of purpose shall be emphasized. (Suitability refers to the horse being suitable as a side saddle mount).
New Rule Effective Dressage Suitability see Subchapter SB-20 for specific details. SB 199—Horses should give the appearance of having the potential to become a dressage horse. Horses which have competed at First level Dressage or above are not eligible to compete in Dressage Suitability.
SB202– Class Specifications To be shown at the walk, trot, and canter both directions of the ring. Horses may be asked to lengthen stride at any gait. Transitions into and out of the canter will be called for through the trot. Horses will be asked to reverse direction at the trot. Free walk on long rein with horse stretching forward and down to be performed in at least one direction. Horse to stand quietly in line up and may be asked to back at the judge’s discretion. To be judged: 70% on performance of gaits and transitions, with attention to impulsion and submission, and using the objectives above as reference; and 30% on the rider’s position, seat, and effective use of aids.
American Saddlebred Type Pony Ponies should resemble the American Saddlebred horse as closely as possible Registration not required Classes shall follow the standards and specifications in similar classes for American Saddlebred horses. Manners are paramount and the ponies should have agreeable attitudes.
Class Specifications THREE-GAITED SADDLE PONY: To be shown at a walk, trot and canter. Judged on manners, performance, presence, quality and conformation. FIVE-GAITED SADDLE PONY: To be shown at a walk, trot, slow gait, rack and canter. Judged on manners, performance, presence, quality and conformation. See SB201 for class specs for Fine Harness Ponies, Country Pleasure Ponies and Country Pleasure Driving Ponies.
Rule Change Effective 4/1/16 Three gaited Show Pleasure Pony Class Specifications To be shown at a flat walk, trot and canter. Must stand quietly and back readily in the line-up. To be judged on manners, performance, presence, quality and conformation.
Pony Measurement Procedures American Saddlebred-type ponies have a new measurement procedure Ponies Five and under must be presented annually unshod (or with ¼” pad or plate then deducted from measurement) For a permanent measurement card ponies, six years of age and over, must be presented for Measurement unshod (or with ¼” pad or plate then deducted from measurement).
Pony Measurement Procedures If pony (regardless of age) measures up to 1 inch over 14.2 hands it will be issued a measurement card reflecting it’s height and will be permitted to compete in classes restricted to ponies 14.2 hands and under
Conformation of the American Saddlebred Head Well-shaped with large, wide-set expressive eyes Gracefully shaped ears carried alertly Straight face line Relatively fine muzzle and large nostrils Clean and smooth jaw line
Neck Long, arched and well-flexed at the poll Fine, clean throatlatch Withers Well defined and prominent Shoulders Deep and sloping Conformation continued
Back Strong and level with well spring ribs Croup Level with a well carried tail coming out high Conformation continued
Legs – Front leg should set well forward under the shoulder – Line of hind leg in a natural position should be vertical from point of buttock to back edge of the cannon bone – Forearms and hindquarters well muscled – Straight with broad flat bones, sharply defined tendons and sloping pasterns Hooves – Good, sound, open at heel – Neither toed in or toed out Conformation continued
To Be Penalized Lack of American Saddlebred type Course/plain head, roman nose, round jaws, lop ears, wide ears, small eyes Short, straight, or ewe neck, thick throatlatch Flat withers, swayed or roached back Hollow chest, straight shoulder Crooked legs, calf knees, over at knee, bow legs, rough joints, round bones, straight pasterns Splay feet, pigeon toes, contracted heels, dished feet Base narrow or wide, sickle hocks, cow hocks Lack of muscle tone, thinness, obesity, rough coat, lack of conditioning Any other defects attributable to heredity
Tails Horses may be shown with unset tails in any class without penalty. Horses with crooked tails must be penalized. Horses with extremely crooked tails must be severely penalized, the same way that lack of conditioning, a rough coat, and other undesirable appearances are to be penalized. Gingering tails is not allowed in the show ring. – GR404.5 (see rule on next slide)
GR Gingering tails in the ring Responsibility and Accountability of Trainers 5. Any trainer or person subject to these rules who administers, attempts to administer, instructs, aids, conspires with another to administer or employs anyone who administers or attempts to administer any substance to a horse and/or pony by injection or by any other route of administration, whether the substance is forbidden or permitted, in the competition ring of a competition licensed by the Federation during a scheduled class, is subject to the penalties provided in GR406. It is recommended to place the class and report the incident to the Steward
Low Backs For In-hand, harness, and classes which are stripped, any horse with an extremely low back must be severely penalized.
How do you know when to strip? KY State Fair and American Royal Championships Except: Park Horse, Pleasure Horse, Three and Five Gaited Jr. Exhibitor sections and KY County Fair Championship classes. American Saddlebred Registry signature classes (ASR Futurities and ASR Sweepstakes) for horses three and under. Three and Five Gaited Open Championship classes Except: one horse classes
Judging Conformation Tip: Talk to your ringmaster prior to the class to have a plan where horses will line up. Discussion: What do you look for regarding conformation?
Judging In-Hand Classes Conformation and finish count 50% of total score Way of going and natural action count 50% All entries should be judged according to the standards for the ideal American Saddlebred type and conformation. Defects must be penalized. All entries should be judged according to the standards for walk and trot. Undesirable traits should be penalized.
New Rule Effective 4/1/16 Labored way of going to be severely penalized. Whip may have no more than two ribbon streamers attached that are eight inches or less in length. You will no longer be able to use a small empty paper bag or a small empty plastic bag attached to the whip or separately.
Sample In Hand Score card Horse’s Number MovingConformationTotalCommentsPlacing
Judging Model Classes All entries should be judged according to the standards for the ideal American Saddlebred type and conformation. Defects must be penalized. Judged on conformation and finish only and are not to be moved on the line. Way of going is not to be considered.
USEF would like to thank the following for use of their videos and photos Amanda Bassett Suzanne Bradshaw Rob Byers Jane Keil Mary Gaylord McClean Misdee Wrigley Miller Melissa Moore Kristen Pettry Howard Schatzberg Char Sondrall Stonecroft Farm Judy Werner