Medical Research Council Guideline for complex interventions Flemming Bro
Complex interventions are : ”interventions that contain several interacting components” (First generation statement) 2 ▪
Dimensions of complexity in complex interventions : Number of and interactions between components Number and difficulty of behaviours required by those delivering or receiving the intervention Number of groups or organisational levels targeted by the intervention Number and variability of outcomes Degree of flexibility or tailoring of the intervention permitted (Second generation statement) 3 ▪
Afdeling for Almen Medicin Phase III: RCT. Defined target group – control Phase II: Efficacy Selected patients,- effects/ side effects Phase I: Volonteers Pharmacokinetics, effect, safety Preclinical phase Molecular studies, animal models Phase IV: Effectiveness, rutine situation Developing drugs
Afdeling for Almen Medicin Phase I: Modelling Testing and remodelling Preclinical Model based on theory and empirical evidence Phase II: Exploration Test and evaluate in selected practices Phase III: RCT Target group Control Monitoring Phase VI: Effectiveness Rutine control Developing complex interventions i general practice
Afdeling for Almen Medicin Phase VI: Effectiveness Rutine control Preclinical Model based on theory and empirical evidence Phase I: Modelling Testing and re modelling Phase II: Exploration Test and evaluate in selected practices Phase III: RCT Target group Control Monitoring Developing complex interventions i general practice