NCAA Division II Two-Year College Transfer Standards and Concepts October 2012
NCAA Division II Two-Year Transfer Current Academic Standards Qualifier With no Four-Year Attendance All other Qualifiers, Partial Qualifiers and Nonqualifiers (Full-Time Enrollment Prior to 8/1/11) All other Qualifiers, Partial Qualifiers, and Nonqualifiers (Full-Time Enrollment Post 8/1/11) One full-time semester/quarter. Two full-time semesters/ three full-time quarters. Two full-time semesters/ four full-time quarters. 12 semester- or quarter- hours of transferable degree credit per term of attendance. 12 semester- or quarter-hours of transferable degree credit per term of attendance. 12 semester- or quarter-hours of transferable degree credit per term of attendance (including six semester-/eight -quarter hours of transferable English and three semester- /four- quarter hours of transferable math for partial and nonqualifiers). Cumulative GPA of OR Graduate OR Graduate
NCAA Division II Two-Year Transfer Academic Standards Concepts (September 2012) Concepts (September 2012) Qualifier with No Four-Year Attendance Where Attends for one Term Only All other Qualifiers, Partial Qualifiers and Nonqualifiers One full-time semester/quarter.Two full-time semesters/three full-time quarters. 12 semester- or quarter-hours of transferable degree credit. 12 semester- or quarter-hours of transferable degree credit per term of attendance – including six- semester/eight- quarter hours of transferable English, three semester-/four quarter-hours of transferable math and three semester-/four quarter- hours of transferable natural/physical science. Cumulative GPA of Cumulative GPA of OR Graduate Limit of two physical education activity credits for all sports. Limit of two physical education activity credits for all sports.
NCAA Division II Two-Year Transfer Academic Standards Concepts (September 2012) continued Exception to two credit physical education activity limit for those entering into physical education degree program or education degree program with physical education emphasis. May use up to minimum credits required for degree program to meet transfer requirements. Natural/physical science does not require a lab. Nonqualifers who meet all credit requirements and GPA of but below may receive athletics aid and practice in first year at Division II four- year institution but may not compete. (Qualifiers and partial qualifiers who do not meet transfer requirements may receive aid and practice but not compete based on initial-eligibility status.)
Additional Points to Consider Current transfer progress-towards-degree requirement: Six hours of transferable degree credit from the last term of full-time attendance. September 2012 NCAA Division II Academic Requirements Task Force progress-toward-degree concepts: Nine hours of transferable degree credit from the last term of full- time attendance. Applicability of 60% of degree check after sixth semester/ninth quarter of full-time attendance for transfers still to be determined.