El Alfabeto Español y La Pronunciación
Spanish is a completely PHONETIC language. That means that every letter always makes the same sound no matter what. That means if you know what sounds the letters make, you can read any Spanish text aloud and sound like you know what it says, even if you only know the alphabet. ¡Cuidado! You must first know HOW to say the sounds.
ch, ll, ñ, rr Español vs. Ingles Spanish Has 30 Letters while English has 26. Spanish has ALL of the letters of the English alphabet plus 4 more: ch, ll, ñ, rr
A, E, I, O, U Español vs. Ingles Spanish and English have all of the same vowels: A, E, I, O, U The difference is that there are only 5 vowel sounds in Spanish while English has 13. Practice Pronunciation of Vowels
Las Vocales (The Vowels) avocado elefante Iglesias octágono universo
Let’s practice!
ba be bi bo bu ca ce ci co cu cha che chi cho chu da de di do du Las Consonantes Las Vocales Bb (be) bebé Cc (ce) cesta CHch (che) chocolate Dd (de) dedo ba be bi bo bu ca ce ci co cu cha che chi cho chu da de di do du
L A S fa fe fi fo fu L C A O S N ga ge gi go gu V O ha he hi ho hu C T Ff (efe) foto Gg (ge) gemelos Hh (hache) hamaca Jj (jota) jabón Kk (ka) karate fa fe fi fo fu ga ge gi go gu ha he hi ho hu ja je ji jo ju ka ke ki ko ku L A S V O C E
la le li lo lu ma me mi mo mu na ne ni no nu ña ñe ñi ño ñu Ll (ele) lago Mm (eme) mono Nn (ene) nariz Ññ (eñe) año
pa pe pi po pu --- que qui --- --- ra re ri ro ru Rra rre rri rro rru Pp (pe) pelo Qq (cu) queso Rr (ere) rana RRrr (doble ere) carril pa pe pi po pu --- que qui --- --- ra re ri ro ru Rra rre rri rro rru
sa se si so su ta te ti to tu va ve vi vo vu Ss (ese) sal Tt (te) Te Vv (ve) Vaca sa se si so su ta te ti to tu va ve vi vo vu
wa we wi wo wu xa xe xi xo xu ya ye yi yo yu za ze zi zo zu Ww (doble ve) Washington Xx (equis) examen Yy (i griega) yeso Zz (zeta) zapato wa we wi wo wu xa xe xi xo xu ya ye yi yo yu za ze zi zo zu
Let's Practice!
Accent Marks ACCENTS MATTER When there is an accent mark over a letter, that means it receives more emphasis. ACCENTS MATTER