“Integration & adult protection” 19 th November 2014 Wendy Harrington Social Work Scotland
Background Growing demographics Public service funding reductions However, we need to be sure some groups are not forgotten. Outcome 7 – keeping people safe can be seen as trips and falls, medication errors – it is also about abuse and neglect
What are we trying to do? To improve the quality and consistency of services To provide seamless joined up health and social care To care for people in their own homes or in a homely setting To ensure resources are used effectively...to meet the needs of people with longer term (complex) needs “many of whom are older”
Outcomes People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer; People, including those with disabilities, long term conditions, or who are frail, are able to live, independently and at home or in a homely setting. People have positive experiences of those services, and have their dignity respected. Services are centred on helping to maintain or improve quality of life.
National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Services contribute to reducing health inequalities. People who provide unpaid care are supported in their caring role. People are safe from harm. Staff are supported to improve the information, support, care and treatment they provide. Resources are used effectively.
Concerns for Particular Groups Self harm, suicide – ‘The Scottish Gvt Suicide Prevention Strategy ’ People with substance dependencies People who are depressed or vulnerable Carers People in residential/nursing homes
Legislation Overlaps between Children and Young People / Adult Support and Protection legislation The children's legislation will have priority Shared knowledge across service groups Named person issues
Legislation Adult Support and Protection Act Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act Adults with Incapacity Act Children and Young Person Act The role of the child's plan/ named person MHO within integrated services Professionals better informed across services
Connections Ensure there are adequate structural and system connections Ensure linkage across the public protection agenda Child protection Adult protection MAPPA Substance misuse and domestic violence
The essentials Persuasive vision Governance Best values Culture