Nathaniel Hawthorne By Jon Farrell and Sylis meisis
Prologue 1804–64, American novelist and short-story writers one of the great masters of American fiction. His novels and tales are penetrating explorations of moral and spiritual conflicts.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on July 4 th, 1804, in Salem, Mass. He was the son of Nathaniel (a seaman) and Elizabeth Clarke (Manning) Hawthorne. Relatives saw his skills In writing, and funded his education to Bowdoin College He then Graduated from Bowdoin College in Later in his life he married Sophia Amelia Peabody, July 9, Then he had three children: Una, Julian, Rose. He Died May 19, 1864, in Plymouth, New Hampshire, He was later buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Concord, MA Personal Information
This house was originally located a few blocks from Union Street. It was moved to this location in 1958 with the assistance of architectural historian and conservator, Abbott Lowell Cummings. While not a particularly fine example of Georgian architecture, this house is best known for one famous inhabitant. It was here, in this modest home, that Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on July 4th 1804 to Elizabeth and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Tragically, Nathaniel's father, a sea captain, died while on a voyage when Nathaniel was only four years old. This left Elizabeth with three small children and little wealth. She and her children were left no alternative but to move out of this house and accept the charity of her family, the Manning's. Elizabeth Hawthorne was not alone in losing her husband on an ocean voyage. In the late 1700's upwards of one in four women were widows who had lost their men to the sea. As an adult, Nathaniel Hawthorne found a literary outlet for this early childhood trauma. Many of the characters in his novels have suffered the loss of one or both parents, and are dependant on the goodwill of others for support. Hawthorne’s birthplace
Hawthorne is considered one of the greatest American fiction writers. His novel The Scarlet Letter (1850), with its balanced structure, polished prose style, and skillful use of symbols, is acknowledged as a classic of American literature. The book was an immediate and long lasting sucsess since it addressed moral and spiritual issues from a unique American standpoint. Hawthorne’s Best Work
Hawthorne’s Novels & Other Works In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s lifetime, he had written over 35 short stories and about 5 novels, 2 of which are well known, and they are known as “The Scarlet Letter”(1850), and “The House Of Seven Gables”(1851). There are others such as Fanshawe and The Blithedale Romance.
Hawthorne’s quality's Hawthorne shares other qualities with Melville, as well as Edgar Allan Poe. All three took a special interest in human psychology. The later American novelist Henry James, who also explored the mind in his fiction, wrote: "The fine thing in Hawthorne is that he cared for the deeper psychology, and that, in his way, he tried to become familiar with it.
Contributions to the Literary Circle Publishes “Young Goodman Brown” Publishes The Scarlet Letter Publishes House of Seven Gables
What Most People Don’t Know About Hawthorne His father died when Nathaniel was 4 years old of yellow fever. In 1838, Nathaniel became secretly engaged to Sophia Amelia Peabody. In 1830, Nathaniel added the ‘w’ to his last name.
Comparisons, Contrasts, Connections with Hawthorne IrvingIrving: Use of America's past including folktales, popular myths, picturesque and sublime settings Irving PoePoe: Use of Gothic settings, themes, and characters; interest in dreams and other threshold states, and in sensitive individuals' propensities to madness Poe MelvilleMelville: Plumbing of the dark depths of the human mind, antipathy to authority, celebration of individual striving and sympathetic nurturing Melville EmersonEmerson: Celebration of striving toward self- fulfillment, criticism of hereditary privilege, egalitarian vision Emerson
Significant Form’s of Style, or Artistic Conventions –1. Sketch versus tale and short story. –2. Romance versus novel. -3. Image clusters and patterns (for example, dark versus light, natural versus unnatural, sunshine and firelight versus moonlight and reflections, labyrinths).
Epilogue In the end his children all grew up except for Una who died Hawthorne had many novels and story’s done by the time he died in In the end his children all grew up except for Una who died Hawthorne had many novels and story’s done by the time he died in May 19, 1864 an lived a happy life.