Computational Tools for Early Stage Design
Mission Develop a tool that computes metrics for user- defined system topologies based on Pareto optimal fronts to evaluate architectures as a function of system voltage(s), system frequencies. Metrics include: – cost, – weight/volume, – lethality (effectiveness), – reliability, – efficiency (losses), – survivability, – power density
Implementation Requires development of – one or more "solvers" that evaluates the metrics, – Methods for evaluating the metrics and weightings of various metrics – development of the data for Pareto optimal fronts for all pieces of equipment Develop tools to create the data
Additional Thoughts Tool should include both currently existing equipment and the technically possible. The optimum should not be a single optimum, but a design space, or Pareto frontier. Need to control number of dimensions to keep problem tractable. Include system as a whole and individual components Uncertainty/Sensitivity Analysis Don’t optimize a flawed system
Notional Design Solver: metric evaluation SM Generator DC Converter B DC Converter A IM Prop. Motor User Input: Topology, Ratings
Tasks Define/bound the one-year problem Identify existing technologies that can be applied Identify ownership of problem areas Create group on ESRDC website for information exchange First report in July. Monthly (virtual) meetings thereafter. First assignment (due in July): create a diagram of how the tool should be organized.
Points of Contact MIT – Chrys Chryssostomidis, CAPS/FSU – Svetlana Poroseva, Purdue – Scott Sudhoff, USC – Blake Langland, UT – Hamid Ouroua, MSU – Tomasz Haupt, USNA/NPS – Ed Zivi,
Future Tasks Toolbox to allow stochastic sensitivity analysis in early design