We have the Higgs!!! Now What?? Nausheen R. Shah Wayne State University Oct 14, 2015 In Collaboration with: M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low & C. Wagner arXiv:1510.xxxxx Higgs Coupling 2015 – Lumley Castle, Durham UK Oct, 2015
Higgs Discovery! ATLAS + CMS: m h ~ 125 GeV What does the observed Higgs tell us about BSM physics? Implications for extended Higgs Sector? Higgs Couplings? Oct 14,
Still large uncertainties in couplings… Oct 14, 2015 but approximately consistent with SM. 3 ATLAS-CONF CMS-PAS-HIG
Projected Higgs Precision Oct 14,
The Higgs Lamp Post: m h ~125 GeV + SM-like Oct 14, Many theoretical extensions to the Standard Model Frequently include additional particles coupling to the Higgs Extended symmetries demanding additional Higgs bosons Many theoretical extensions to the Standard Model Frequently include additional particles coupling to the Higgs Extended symmetries demanding additional Higgs bosons No New States at the LHC!!! Alignment SUSY NMSSM
Minimal Supersymmetric SM SUSY has to be broken. Dynamical EWSB DM Solution to hierarchy problem … For every fermion there is a boson of equal mass and couplings and visa versa. No new dimensionless couplings. Oct 14, Need Two Higgs doublets: H u – Couples only to up-type quarks H d – Couples only to down-type quarks and leptons. m A ~ m H t β = v u /v d μ ~ Higgsino mass, superpartner of Higgs
NMSSM Higgs Sector 2 Doublets (H u, H d ) + Singlet (S) Singlet couples only to the Higgs Sector. Singlet acquires vev: μ = λ v s 3 CP-Even Higgses: Mixing between all three (H u, H d and S). 2 CP-Odd Higgses: Mixtures of “MSSM” m A and singlet. Charged Higgs Singlet-like CP-even and odd masses anti-correlated. Singlino mass: 2 κ μ/λ Oct 14, mAmA m a /m hS
Higgs Basis H SM has completely SM-like couplings. Mixing between H SM and H NSM, “cos (β-α)”, gives non-SM behavior of observed h125. Oct 14, If cos (β-α) = 0 SM-like HIGGS!! ALIGNMENT
Interaction basis: (H u, H d, S) H u : Couples only to up-type fermions H d : Couples only to down-type fermions S: Only couples to Higgses Oct 14, = v u = v d t β = v u /v d =μ/λ CP-Even Higgs Bases
Interaction basis: (H u, H d, S) H u : Couples only to up-type fermions H d : Couples only to down-type fermions S: Only couples to Higgses “Extended” Higgs basis: (H NSM, H SM, S) H NSM : (down, up, V) = (y d t β, y u / t β, 0) H SM : (down, up, V) = (y d, y u, g hVV ) Oct 14, = v u = v d t β = v u /v d =μ/λ = 0 = v CP-Even Higgs Bases
Interaction basis: (H u, H d, S) H u : Couples only to up-type fermions H d : Couples only to down-type fermions S: Only couples to Higgses “Extended” Higgs basis: (H NSM, H SM, S) H NSM : (down, up, V) = (y d t β, y u / t β, 0) H SM : (down, up, V) = (y d, y u, g hVV ) Mass basis: (H 3, H 2, H 1 ) H i = κ i NSM H NSM + κ i SM H SM + κ i S S Oct 14, = v u = v d t β = v u /v d =μ/λ = 0 = v CP-Even Higgs Bases
Interaction basis: (H u, H d, S) H u : Couples only to up-type fermions H d : Couples only to down-type fermions S: Only couples to Higgses “Extended” Higgs basis: (H NSM, H SM, S) H NSM : (down, up, V) = (y d t β, y u / t β, 0) H SM : (down, up, V) = (y d, y u, g hVV ) Mass basis: (H 3, H 2, H 1 ) (H, h125, hS) H i = κ i NSM H NSM + κ i SM H SM + κ i S S Oct 14, = v u = v d t β = v u /v d =μ/λ = 0 = v CP-Even Higgs Bases Alignment: κ h125 NSM = 0 κ h125 S = 0
125 GeV Higgs Naturally! Well Known 125 GeV Higgs Tree-level contribution to Higgs mass from λ. λ ~ Low tan β Light Stops Oct 14, M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary) Alignment (No-Mixing):
SM-Like Higgs Naturally! Perturbative up to GUT scale. λ max ~ 0.7, κ max ~ λ/2 Not so well known: Leads to excellent Alignment (very little mixing with Heavy Higgs) in the m A - tan β plane. Oct 14, M. Carena, I. Low, N.R.S, C. Wagner, ‘13 M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary)
Oct 14, Singlet Alignment h125 = H SM LIGHT SPECTRUM Singlino: 2 κ μ/λ ~ < μ CP-even/odd singlet masses anti-correlated
Contamination allowed in h125 ?? How much “non-standardness” is allowed by h125 measurements?? κ NSM H NSM + κ SM H SM + κ S S Singlet: Only couples to Higgses Ratios to SM: g hgg = (κ SM + κ NSM /t β ) g hdd = (κ SM - κ NSM t β ) g hVV = κ SM Significant κ S OK Large κ NSM from sign change of g hdd Oct 14, h125
Heavy H to VV ? CMS Strong constraints on SM-like Higgs decay to VV ~12-6% SM value for masses GeV. Oct 14,
Direct Searches for heavy resonances? Strong constraints on SM-like Higgs decay to VV ~12-6% SM value for masses GeV. Only κ i SM couples to VV What does this imply for SM and NSM components of extra Higgs?? 160 GeV < m hS < 350 GeV BR(WW+ZZ) ~1 gF production XS impacted. With κ h125 NSM ~ 0 κ hS SM ~ κ h125 S κ h125 S smaller than allowed by h125 measurements! Oct 14, ~ κ h125 S
Misalignment NMSSMTools + HiggsBounds/Signals Allowed “misalignment” Oct 14, tan β =2. tan β =2.5. tan β =3 __ M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary)
Singlet Spectra Density of scan not relevant Oct 14, tan β =2. tan β =2.5. tan β =3 M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary) singlet always less than m H /2 CP-even/odd singlet masses Anti-correlated
MSSM-like A and H decays into tt Decay BR depends on tan β Oct 14, tan β =2. tan β =2.5. tan β =3 M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary) MSSM-like m H MSSM-like m A
MSSM-like H BR Apart from tt, significant decays into H2+H1 and neutralino/charginos Oct 14, M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary) Coupling to h125 pair suppressed due to alignment.. tan β =2. tan β =2.5. tan β =3
MSSM-like A BR Into singlet-like H1/H2-Z and inos Oct 14, M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary) h125 decay suppressed due to alignment. tan β =2. tan β =2.5. tan β =3
Singlet-like h S BR Singlet mainly decays to bb and WW Oct 14, M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary) h125
Now & Future Oct 14, XS factor ~ 4 at 14 TeV compared to 8 TeV M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary) CMS PAS HIG CMS HVV/SM ~10% 8 TeV
Now & Future Oct 14, XS factor ~ 4 at 14 TeV compared to 8 TeV M. Carena, H. Haber, I. Low, N.R.S., C. Wagner, ’15 (preliminary) CMS PAS HIG CMS HVV/SM ~10% 8 TeV
Conclusions and Outlook m h =125 GeV + SM-like Alignment: Decoupling or Prediction for parameters. NMSSM Higgs sector at low tan β. Naturally obtain 125 GeV Higgs (light stops). Leads to alignment with the non-SM like Higgs. Perturbativity and the requirement of alignment with the singlet light singlets (both CP-even and odd) and singlino + higgsinos (charged and neutral). Due to large BR of non-SM Higgs into singlet like states + inos, very interesting LHC phenomenology. Oct 14,
BACKUP SLIDES 28 Oct 14, 2015
h125 Components Oct 14,
ALIGNMENT SM-Like Higgs in 2HDM Oct 14, CP-Even: H 1, H 2 CP-Odd: A Charged Higgs: H +-
“Extended” Higgs Basis Tree-level mass matrix in the (H NSM, H SM, S) basis: Oct 14, Alignment: Mixing between HNSM-SM=0 & SM-S =0 Alignment conditions, (+ stop corrections to always obtain h125): NSM-SM mixing cancels for
Oct 14,
Oct 14,
Oct 14, M. Carena, I. Low, N.R.S, C. Wagner, ‘13
CP-Odd Mass Matrix In the (“MSSM m A ”, Singlet) basis: Oct 14,
Misalignment Oct 14, tan β =2. tan β =2.5. tan β =3 __
Fine-Tuning (No-mixing in stops) Larger tan β => Heavier Stops => Larger Fine Tuning Oct 14,
Higgs Spectra CP-even vs. Odd Oct 14,
H3 BR H1 H1 /H2 H2 Oct 14,
BR H3 tt + a Z Oct 14,
A2 BR A1 H1 / A1 H2 Oct 14,
A2 BR tt + chargino/neutralinos Oct 14,
RGE Oct 14,
Phenomenological Consequences 1.The gluon fusion production cross section of the would be heavy MSSM states (A and H) is enhanced due to the top Yukawa contributions at low tan β, and can be of the order of a few pb. 2.The non-standard Higgs bosons may have relevant decays into the lighter singlet like Higgs bosons as well as into the light electroweakinos. 3.The decay of non-standard Higgs bosons into taus and bottoms will be suppressed due to the small values of tan β and the presence of additional decays. Oct 14,