Database Security Advanced Database Dr. AlaaEddin Almabhouh
Introduction to DB Security Secrecy: Users should not be able to see things they are not supposed to. E.g., A student can’t see other students’ grades. Integrity: Users should not be able to modify things they are not supposed to. E.g., Only instructors can assign grades. Availability: Users should be able to see and modify things they are allowed to.
Access Controls A security policy specifies who is authorized to do what. [to achieve secrecy, integrity, availability] A security mechanism allows us to enforce a chosen security policy. Two main mechanisms at the DBMS level: Discretionary access control [supported in SQL] Mandatory access control [does not supported by SQL OBJECT – SECURITY CLASS; USER – CLEARANCE (SECURITY CLASS)
Data Control Language (DCL) The Data Control Language (DCL) is a subset of the Structured Query Language (SQL) that allows database administrators to configure security access to relational databases. DCL consists of only three commands: GRANT REVOKE DENY
GRANT Command The following privileges can be specified: GRANT SELECT ON Orders TO Art GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON Orders, Products TO Bob GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON Orders, Products TO Smith, Adam GRANT privileges ON object TO users, groups [WITH GRANT OPTION] can pass to another person The GRANT command is used by database administrators to add new permissions to a database user. It has a very simple syntax, defined as follows:
GRANT Command (cont’d) If a user has a privilege with the GRANT OPTION, can pass privilege on to other users (with or without passing on the GRANT OPTION ). GRANT SELECT ON Orders TO Art WITH GRANT OPTION (executed by Joe) Only owner can execute CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
GRANT Command (cont’d) GRANT INSERT, SELECT ON Sailor TO rusty rusty can query Sailors or insert tuples into it GRANT DELETE ON Sailors TO Yuppy WITH GRANT OPTION Yuppy can delete tuples, and also authorize others to do so. Sailor
GRANT UPDATE (rating) ON Sailors TO guppy guppy can update (only) the rating field of Sailors tuples. GRANT SELECT ON ActiveSailors TO Guppy, Yuppy This does NOT allow them both to query Sailors directly! REVOKE: When a privilege is revoked from X, it is also revoked from all users who got it solely from X. GRANT Command (cont’d)
GRANT/REVOKE on Views If the creator of a view loses the SELECT privilege on an underlying table, the view is dropped! If the creator of a view loses a privilege held with the grant option on an underlying table, (s)he loses the privilege on the view as well; so do users who were granted that privilege on the view!
Views and Security Views can be used to present necessary information (or a summary), while hiding details in underlying relation(s). Creator of view has a privilege on the view if (s)he has the privilege on all underlying tables. GRANT SELECT ON Sailors TO Art WITH GRANT OPTION (executed by Joe) GRANT SELECT ON Sailors TO Bob WITH GRANT OPTION (executed by Art) GRANT SELECT ON Sailors TO Art WITH GRANT OPTION (executed by Bob) GRANT SELECT ON Sailors TO Cal WITH GRANT OPTION (executed by Joe) GRANT SELECT ON Sailors TO Bob WITH GRANT OPTION (executed by Cal) REVOKE SELECT ON Sailors FROM Art CASCADE (executed by Joe) Draw a authorization graph
REVOKE command The following privileges can be specified: REVOKE SELECT ON Employees FROM Joe REVOKE SELECT, INSERT ON Orders, Products From Bob REVOKE SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON Orders, Products From Smith, Adam REVOK privileges ON object FROM users, groups The REVOKE command is used to remove database access from a user previously granted such access. The syntax for this command is defined as follows:
DENY command The following privileges can be specified: GRANT DELETE ON Employees To Emps DENY DELETE ON Employees To Joe DENY privileges ON object TO users, groups The DENY command may be used to explicitly prevent a user from receiving a particular permission. This is helpful when a user may be a member of a role or group that is granted a permission and you want to prevent that user from inheriting the permission by creating an exception. The syntax for this command is as follows:
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