LP – MUNICIPALITY OF PATRAS State of Implementation of project “Neighborhood Social Planning and Development” Acronym: ‘NEBSOC’ T. Roustanis Bari, 3-4/11/2014 WP4 – SUPPORTING TOOLS IN SOCIAL SERVICES ACTION 4.1 WEB PORTAL WITH GIS & E-LEARNING APPLICATIONS ACTION 4.2 WORKSHOP ON SOCIAL INTEGRATION ISSUES
Web Portal Specs & Content Basic Functionalities The web site will be developed to support Multimedia Content. The main Content would target to give the Project’s Identity. So the web sites structure should have at least the following sections: − Home − Project Details − Partners − Objectives − Tools ( Web GIS, Spatial Decision Support System-SDSS) − Deliverables − Contact − News All the content should be categorized. The multimedia Content or documents should always mention the source.
Web Portal Specs & Content The web site would be linked directly to the Web GIS Platform. The Web site should have the mechanism to support the project members. User and roles for the access to website’s content. Several access levels (administrators, Project Member’s, public e.t.c.) The template would be selected to support and highlight the projects targets. The website should have search engine for the content. Project will manage a lot of Images, Videos, Documents. The web site should support to easily access this type of contents using modules for image galleries, slide shows e.t.c. Languages for the Web Site ? Basic Functionalities
Web Portal Specs & Content RSS feed for the news and events of the project Calendar to show day’s events Contact Form Mass support to project members and registered users Social networks Integration Responsive design of the template to be mobile friendly. All the necessary methods to achieve Search engine optimization (SEO) Additional Functionalities
Methodology Web GIS Specifications Data Functionalities Geographic Data Collection Develop the final map Visualization Design the Web GIS Functionalities Select DB and Web GIS Platform Develop the Final GIS Tool
Web GIS Specifications - Data IDLayerGeometry Type 1 Administrative boundariesLine, Polygon 2 Village PositionsPoint 3 Cities BoundaryPolygon 4 Road NetworkLine 5 Contour data or Digital Elevation ModelLine 6 Water Network (Rivers, lakes etc)Line, Polygon 7 Hotspots (Sights, archaeological, monastery, museums etc.)Point 8Cultural HeritageLine, Polygon Design and development should support both vector and raster data visualization. Vector Data should presented as different Layers Data categorization must follow thematic and technical criteria Least o the Geographic Data to be included in the Geodatabase
Web GIS Specifications - Data Proper selection of thematic-attribute data to support web gis analysis tool Relations between Geographic and Descriptive Data or Media Design and Development of the Database should support further development.
Web GIS Specifications Functionalities Web GIS Platform should Support connection with Web Map Services and Web Feature Services (WMS & WFS) Web GIS Platform should have the ability to connect in several Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) such as PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MySQL etc Web GIS should follow the Guidelines of the OGC: Open Geospatial Consortium The Web GIS Interface will be developed: To Support geographic measurements (distance, area etc) To execute predefined Spatial and Attribute Queries To support Selection of the BaseMap where the Geographic Data will displayed To have Clear symbols to represent the data and an interactive table of contents and Legend Other Interactive Functionalities such as: Search, navigation tools etc. ? Design and develop the visualization symbols for each data category
Geographic Data Collection Data to be collected to Create the BaseMap: Transportation Airports Ports Railway Road Network Base Map Administrative Boundaries Digital Elevation Model Lakes Rivers Cities Villages Environment Natura Forests Natural heritage
Geographic Data Collection Geographic Data Collected should have a normalization process before distributed through WebGIS: Geographic Data of Different Sources should be homogenized Names of regions, Cities, Villages etc should normalized in Bulgarian, Greek and English Language Geographic Data Collected should checked and update if something on the map have changed. All Collected Data for Festivals should have geographic reference at least with a pin in Goolge Maps
Select DB and Web GIS Platform The Geographic Database will be developed on PostgreSQL Use Existing Infrastructure of the Municipality of Patras for Web GIS Platform ArcGIS Server.
Design the Web GIS and the DSS tool The Web GIS Platform could be developed in Flex framework
Design the Web GIS and the DSS tool The Web GIS Platform could be developed ESRI JSAPI framework
Design the Web GIS and the DSS tool The DSS tool would interact with Web GIS platform and should give the user the ability toy select the topic of Thematic visualization he needs
Design the Web GIS and the DSS tool Population
Design the Web GIS and the DSS tool Social
Design the Web GIS and the DSS tool Unemployment
Wish you All a successful Project Implementation !! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION