In Our Own Homes- Working with older adults with moderate learning disabilities/complex needs Kathie Martin Care & Repair England
National Context Definition of the term ‘learning disabilities’ A significant intellectual impairment (IQ of = moderate LD, below 50 severe LD) and A significant intellectual impairment (IQ of = moderate LD, below 50 severe LD) and Deficits in social functioning or adaptive behaviour (basic everyday skills) and Deficits in social functioning or adaptive behaviour (basic everyday skills) and Which are present from childhood Which are present from childhood
Why. Helping people with complex needs. Helping people with complex needs. ‘Moral’ case – older people falling between the gaps – not LD priority and not OP sector priority? ‘Moral’ case – older people falling between the gaps – not LD priority and not OP sector priority? ‘Business’ case – targeting of HIA resources, SP across tenure, prevention ‘Business’ case – targeting of HIA resources, SP across tenure, prevention
National Context Common presentations: Common presentations: Limited literacy and numeracy Limited literacy and numeracy Social isolation Social isolation Lack of life skills Lack of life skills Day to day life not ‘under control’ Day to day life not ‘under control’ Do not tick boxes Do not tick boxes Perceived as difficult Perceived as difficult Hoarding Hoarding
National Context How many people have learning disabilities? How many people have learning disabilities? Not absolute, but figures from the Foundation for Learning Disability, ,000 – 1,750,000 people with moderate learning disabilities 580,000 – 1,750,000 people with moderate learning disabilities 230,000 – 350,000 people with severe learning disabilities 230,000 – 350,000 people with severe learning disabilities Mencap people with LD living with carer 70+ Mencap people with LD living with carer 70+
How many people? Mencap estimates - 40% of parents caring for a son or daughter with a LD are over the age of 60 Mencap estimates - 40% of parents caring for a son or daughter with a LD are over the age of 60 One third of adults with a LD living in the family home are supported by a relative over the age of 70 One third of adults with a LD living in the family home are supported by a relative over the age of 70 Only 15% of people with a LD who are 60 or over are thought to be known to services. Only 15% of people with a LD who are 60 or over are thought to be known to services. Many not diagnosed Many not diagnosed hidden from services by worried parents. hidden from services by worried parents. Many thought son / daughter would die first. Many thought son / daughter would die first.
‘Moral’ Case Learning Disability Sector Learning Disability Sector – focus is on younger people, rights based, integrated living agenda, – focus is on younger people, rights based, integrated living agenda, resources go to those who are higher need or LD ‘labelled’, resources go to those who are higher need or LD ‘labelled’, social rented sector and supported housing has voice, but not owner occupied sector social rented sector and supported housing has voice, but not owner occupied sector Older People’s Sector – neglected issue Older People’s Sector – neglected issue
Business Case Growing numbers of older people with LD/complex needs Growing numbers of older people with LD/complex needs Tenure shift to owner occupation Tenure shift to owner occupation Prevention rather than crisis intervention Prevention rather than crisis intervention Targeting of resources at those most in need e.g.. SP Targeting of resources at those most in need e.g.. SP Social rented supported housing options expensive Social rented supported housing options expensive
National Context A study by the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities concluded that: A study by the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities concluded that: ‘to meet the predicted increase in the ageing population amongst adults with learning difficulties the planning and development of learning disability services will need to increase capacity.’ ‘to meet the predicted increase in the ageing population amongst adults with learning difficulties the planning and development of learning disability services will need to increase capacity.’
Benefits of planning for the future. Security Security Crisis prevention Crisis prevention Improved quality of life Improved quality of life Financial well being Financial well being Smooth transition to alternative services Smooth transition to alternative services
The barriers Lack of information Lack of information Fear reluctance Fear reluctance Needs assessed as low Needs assessed as low Long term ongoing support required. Long term ongoing support required. Lack of services - floating support Lack of services - floating support
National Context Consider implications of these major social changes for LD/ related provision: Consider implications of these major social changes for LD/ related provision: Increased life expectancy amongst people with moderate learning disabilities Increased life expectancy amongst people with moderate learning disabilities Increased owner occupation, especially amongst lower income households Increased owner occupation, especially amongst lower income households
National Context LD sector focus on social rented/ supported housing provision LD sector focus on social rented/ supported housing provision Social Services focus on crisis and high need end of spectrum Social Services focus on crisis and high need end of spectrum BUT - philosophy of LD sector is for inclusion in mainstream provision BUT - philosophy of LD sector is for inclusion in mainstream provision Time to take on issue and for potential role to be acknowledged?
C&RE National Initiative Raise profile of private sector/ older people related housing issues amongst LD and Social Services sectors Raise profile of private sector/ older people related housing issues amongst LD and Social Services sectors Raise profile of moderate LD/ older people/ private sector housing issues in housing world Raise profile of moderate LD/ older people/ private sector housing issues in housing world
Demand is out there and can make a huge difference to lives of people who no-one else is helping and whose quality of life is very poor Demand is out there and can make a huge difference to lives of people who no-one else is helping and whose quality of life is very poor
C&RE National Initiative Promote, encourage, support local pilots Promote, encourage, support local pilots Produce national materials – eg. leaflets produced with LD adults group, recruitment pack, fundraising information Produce national materials – eg. leaflets produced with LD adults group, recruitment pack, fundraising information Facilitate cross sector working and joint learning/ training amongst providers Facilitate cross sector working and joint learning/ training amongst providers Working on new low level and practical ways to support people that hoard Working on new low level and practical ways to support people that hoard
Sources of Information/ Advice Housing Learning and Improvement Network: Guide to Range of Housing Options ‘ Enhancing Housing Choices’ Housing Learning and Improvement Network: Guide to Range of Housing Options ‘ Enhancing Housing Choices’ Housing Options Service for People with LD: Housing Options Service for People with LD: Respond Elders Project: Respond Elders Project: Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities: Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities:
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