Construction and Validation of Effective Modelling Domains A Thesis Outline Sagar Sen November 6, 2009
Abstract Modelling languages often specify a modelling domain with an infinite set of a variety of models. These models conform to a meta-model specification. However, for a given objective only a subset of these models are effective. For example… The thesis I defend is that its possible to construct effective modelling domains to scale formal analysis in order to solve some MDE problems.
Chapter 1 Introduction A General Intro Some problems in MDE, not scalable to formal methods Application related problems : Testing, DSML, SPL Needs formal methods which are not scalable. Therefore we need to cut down the modelling domain Notion of effective modelling domain. With illustration Details of contribution: Two contribs: Cartier (a software framework implementing a set of techniques to build an effective modelling domain) Validation of the effective metamodel for various applications ( Set of paragraphs for each case study). All our papers are cited in the Introduction. Contribution 1 … cite the paper Organization of the thesis
Chapter 2 Context and State of the Art MDE (Copy paste ) Specification of Modelling Language Technologies to specify modelling languages (Ecore, MOF, UML, Ecore), Kermeta (check out in Franck Fleureys PhD thesis) Formal Modelling using Alloy State of the art: stuff that exists for construction and validation of effective modelling domains : advantages and limitations Position my work with existing work. That’s the problem in the existing technique we address in Chapter X.
Chapter 3 Cartier: Discoverer of Effective Modelling Domains Introduction: The objective technology, Alloy tra General Framework (Picture) Meta-model Pruning Meta model 2 Alloy Feature Model 2 Alloy Model Typing Model Fragments to Alloy Predicates Partial Model to Alloy Flattening Multiple Inheritance Components to construct effective modelling domains
Chapter 4: Applications 3.1 Automatic Model Transformation Testing 3.2 Partial Model Completion 3.3 Reusable Model Transformations 3.4 Assisting Domain-specific Modelling Language Development 3.5 Automatic Test Product Generation in Product Lines
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Directions 5.1 Conclusion The thesis I defended was … In this document I present techniques in Cartier that contribute to the construction and validation of effective modelling domains. this is what we did and this matches what we announced. 5.2 Future directions Chain of Model Transformations Adaptive Systems: Validation of an aspect weaver
Scientific Contributions (With TRISKELL) 2010, G. Perrouin, Sen S., Klein J., Baudry B, Le Traon Yves, Automated and Scalable T-wise Test Case Generation Strategies for Software Product Lines (Submitted to a Conference) 2010, Sen S., Moha N. Baudry B., Mahe V., Barais Olivier, and J.-M.Jezequel, Towards Reusable Model Transformations (Submitted to a Journal) 2010, Sen S., Mottu J.M. Baudry B., Automatic Model Generation for Transformation Testing (To be submitted to a Journal) Accepted: 2010, N. Moha, Sen S., Faucher C., Barais O., and J.-M.Jezequel, Evaluation of Kermeta on Graph Transformation Problems, Journal of Software Tools and Technology Transfer Under Submission:
Scientific Contributions (With TRISKELL) 2010, Sen S., B. Baudry, Vangheluwe H., Towards Domain-specific Model Editors with Automatic Model Completion, Simulation : Transactions of the Modeling and Simulation Society 2009, Sen, S., N. Moha, B. Baudry, and J.-M.Jezequel, Meta-model Pruning. In Proceedings of MoDeLs Denver, Colorado. (Acceptance rate: 16%) 2009, Sen, S., B. Baudry, and J.-M. Mottu. Automatic Model Generation Strategies for Model Transformation Testing. In Proceedings of International Conference on Model Transformation Zurich, Switzerland. (Acceptance rate: 22%) 2008, Sen S., Baudry B., Mottu Jean-Marie. On Combining Multi-formalism Knowledge to Select Models for Model Transformation Testing. ICST'08 (Acceptance Ratio : 20%)
Scientific Contributions (With TRISKELL) 2007, Sen S., Baudry B. Partial Model Completion in Model Driven Engineering. In Proc. of International Conference of Applications of Declarative Programming 2007, Wurzburg, Germany. 2007, Sen S., Baudry B., Vagheluwe Hans, Domain Specific Model Editors with Model Completion, LNCS vol. on Models in Software Engineering,Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2007,Nashville, TN, USA, September 30 — October 5, 2007 (Best Paper) 2006, Sen S., and Baudry B., Mutation-based Model Synthesis in Model Driven Engineering, (To be published in the Proc of IEEE ISSRE, Mutation Workshop. )