NA61 ION PROGRAM M. RYBCZYŃSKI for the NA61 Collaboration Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University Kielce, Poland
GENERAL INFO 2 SHINE – SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment Successor of NA49 Fixed target experiment on a primary (ions) and secondary (ions, hadrons) beams Proposal November 2006, pilot run 2007, first physics run 2009 Collaboration of 131 physicists, 25 institutes, 14 countries University of Athens, Athens, Greece University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland KFKI IPNP, Budapest, Hungary Cape Town University, Cape Town, South Africa Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Fachhochschule Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland Jan Kochanowski Univeristy, Kielce, Poland Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia LPNHE, Universites de Paris VI et VII, Paris, France Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA KEK, Tsukuba, Japan Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
DETECTOR 3 Main upgrades: 2007: forward ToF wall constructed (ToF acceptance extend to p ≈ 1 GeV/c) 2008: TPC read-out (increase of event rate to 70 Hz (10xNA49)) Under construction: Projectile Spectator Detector (next slide) Beam pipe (reduce δ-electron by a factor of 10 )
DETECTOR 4 PSD – Projectile Spectator Detector Role of PSD: Precise measurement of energy in projectile spectators.. Needed for centrality selection and measurement of event-by-event fluctuations (to reduce fluctuations of the number of participants) Reconstruction of the reaction plane Main features of the PSD: high energy resolution ~55%/sqrt(E) high granularity: 44 modules (32 this year) transverse homogeneity of energy resolution, reaction plane measurements PSD 2010 Resolution of 1 nucleon !
NA61/49 EVENTS 5 Typical p+C → X event at 30 GeV Heavy-ion event (Pb+Pb) at 158 GeV/n
DETECTOR – PARTICLE IDENTIFICATION 6 p+C at 31 GeV/c Acceptance ≈ 50% at p T ≤ 2.5 GeV/c Tracking efficiency > 95% σ(p)/p 2 ≈ ((GeV/c) -1 ) ToF-L/R: σ(t) ≈ 60 ps ToF-F: σ(t) ≈ 120 ps σ(dE/dx)/ ≈ 4% σ(m inv ) ≈ 5 MeV dE/dx versus momentum
NA61/SHINE physics program 7 Study of the onset of deconfinement Search for the Critical Point High p T physics (energy dependence of the nuclear modification factor and azimuthal correlations) Data for neutrino and cosmic rays experiments – p/π+A Precise measurement of hadron production (p/π+C) interactions needed for T2K and cosmic-ray, Pierre Auger Observatory and KASCADE, experiments. For details see (CERN-SPSC )
PHYSICS OF STRONGLY INTERACTING MATTER 8 critical point 1 st order phase transition Phase diagram of water Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter
FIRST 2D (ENERGY/SYSTEM SIZE) SCAN OF PHASE DIAGRAM 9 Estimated (squares [NA49]) and extrapolated (circles) chemical freeze-out points (F. Beccatini, J. Manninen, M. Gazdzicki PRC73, (2006 ) )
2009 PHYSICS DATA TAKING PERIOD 10/13 p+p 20 GeV (2M events) p+p 40 GeV 6M events p+p 31 GeV (3M events) p+p 80 GeV 4M events
2009 PHYSICS DATA TAKING PERIOD 11/13 p+p 20 GeV (2M events) p+p 40 GeV 6M events p+p 31 GeV (3M events) p+p 80 GeV 4M events p+p 158 GeV 4M events
STUDY OF THE ONSET OF DECONFINEMENT 12 AGS SPS RHIC Onset of deconfinement: the early stage hits transition line, observed signals are kink, horn, step accordingly to SMES model (Gaździcki, Gorenstein, Acta Phys. Polon. B30, 2705 (1999)). KINK HORN STEP NA49 evidence of deconfinement near 30A GeV: (C. Alt et al., PRC77, (2008))
SEARCH FOR THE CRITICAL POINT 13 Critical Point: Predicted enhanced fluctuations if hadronization and freeze-out are near critical point (Stephanov et al., PRD60, ) Critical point should be searched in collisions with energy higher than energy of the onset of deconfinement (EOD ~ 30A GeV). (C. Alt et al., PRC77, (2008))
NA49 SEARCH FOR THE CRITICAL POINT 14 Data consistent with the CP2 predictions NA49 experiment considered two locations of CP: NA49 results with CP 1 predictions NA49 results with CP 2 predictions
HIGH P T PHYSICS: nulcear modification factor 15 PHENIX: Adler et al. PRL91, NA49: Alt et al. PRC77, Not sufficient p+p and p+Pb statistics in NA49. BC – binary collisions W – wounded nucleons
HIGH P T PHYSICS: azimuthal correlations 16 NA49: M. Szuba et al., QM2009 ( ) Correlation function: Transverse momentum selection: 2.5 GeV ≤ p T trg ≤ 4.0 GeV/c 1.0 GeV ≤ p T asc ≤ 2.5 GeV/c JET HOLE Jet to Hole transition
17 The NA61/SHINE ion program has a unique opportunity to explore new physics. It will be complemented by the other international projects like: CP – critical point OD – onset of deconfinement HDM – hadrons in dense matter PDM – properties of deconfinement matter
20 2D scan of the phase diagram (energy and system size) measurements of identified hadron spectra in a broad rapidity range, which in particular allows to obtain mean hadron multiplicities in full phase space (at RHIC only BRAHMS measured 4π multiplicity of identified particles) measurements of the total number of projectile spectators including free nucleons and nucleons in nuclear fragments high event rate in the full SPS energy range including the lowest energies low p T region accessible (p T > 5 MeV/c). Signatures of critical point should be visible mostly at low p T Advantages of colliders: complete azimuthal acceptance [STAR] acceptance not dependent on energy (canceling of many systematic uncertainties) Comparison of the NA61/SHINE ion program with the RHIC (STAR, PHENIX) energy scan program:
SUMMARY 21 NA61/SHINE ion program explores the most interesting region of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter and has potential to discover Critical Point The NA61/SHINE ion program gives the unique opportunity to reach exciting physics goals in a very efficient and cost effective way NA61 is complemented by other international projects: CBM at SIS (FAIR GSI), MPD at NICA (JINR), STAR and PHENIX at RHIC (BNL)
University of Athens, Athens, Greece University of Bari and INFN, Bari, Italy University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland ETH, Zurich, Switzerland University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany Jagiellionian University, Cracow, Poland University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia Fachhochschule Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA Cape Town University, Cape Town, South Africa KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany LPNHE, Universités de Paris VI et VII, Paris, France Pusan National University, Pusan, Republic of Korea Faculty of Physics, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia Institute for Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile NA61/SHINE Collaboration: 22
Thank you
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