Poway Unified School District
The goal of the English Learner Program is to help students learn both social and academic English. Listening Speaking Reading Writing
When a student’s social and academic English are both good enough to be successful at their grade level, we move them out of the English Learner Program. The process of moving a student out of the English Learner Program is called reclassification.
The State of California requires us to look at the student’s test scores and talk to the adults who know the student best. ◦ We look at the student’s: California English Language Development (CELDT) test scores English Language Arts (ELA) scores from the California Standards Test (CST) for students in grades 3-12 ◦ We talk to the student’s: teachers parents
We want to make sure the student will be successful in school before we reclassify them!
To reclassify a student, their CELDT and CST test scores must meet the following criteria: CELDT scores: all scores (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Overall score) must be Early Advanced or Advanced (level 4 or 5) English Language Arts (ELA) scores on the California Standards Test (CST): ◦ Grades 3-5: 330 ◦ Grades 6-9: 320 ◦ Grades 10-12: 310
The student’s teacher(s) must agree that the student’s social and academic English is good enough for the student to be successful in the regular school program. After the teacher agrees that the student is ready to be reclassified, we monitor the student’s progress for 6 months to make sure that the student will continue to be successful.
At the end of the 6-month monitoring period, we notify the parents that we believe the student is ready to be reclassified. ◦ Parent will receive a letter in the mail. ◦ Parents have the opportunity to come to the school and discuss their concerns, or they may just sign and return the letter to the school to show that they agree with the reclassification.
Following reclassification, the school will continue to monitor the student’s progress for two years. ◦ Students can still receive extra support services that are available to all students, if needed. ◦ Students will no longer receive services through the English Learner Program. Reclassified students do not take the CELDT.
Do you have any questions about reclassification?