Outline Content Format Schedule/Timeline Committee Paperwork Disclaimer: The content of this presentation does not reflect official department requirements. This presentation is meant only as friendly advice.
Content What should it be on? How do I start talking to my advisor? What have you done so far? What are your previous/current projects on? Are there any common or connecting factors? How much work should I be attempting? Look at old dissertations & the amount of time it took them to finish ROT: Most are 3-4 smaller projects
Format How long should it be? Super tough to say – as long as it needs to be No page limit (min or max) required by dept Think about it in sections instead (more later) Single or Double spaced? Can I use LaTeX? Whatever you and your advisor/group prefer But USE A REFERENCE MANAGER! (you’ll probably have ~80 references)
Format - Sections Title Page Table of Contents? Abstract Introduction Motivation Background/Literature Review This is where you would include previous work by other people (in your group or in your field) Sections describing your proposed work This is where you would include work you have already completed that is a part of this project Conclusions/Impact Proposed Schedule/Timeline
Format What about figures? Include as many as you need Unless you have more than 15 (which you probably shouldn’t), you don’t need a LOF in your What about data? Include as much as you have or need to prove that you think it will work Could be lots, could be none
Schedule/Timeline Gantt Chart Can be really detailed or just a summary Break it into tasks and then schedule each task Can make in Word/Excel/or specialized software (Project) Good way to talk to your advisor about your/their expectations for when you will graduate
Committee – Picking Teams 5 total, including your advisor, 1 out of dept Advisor will have a few recommendations Should be relatively related to different aspects of your project Should try to get people you like working with or know Avoid people who are notoriously difficult or travel a lot (unless your advisor makes you) Pick people you want to/will collaborate with Think about your funding source as your out of department slot – must have a PhD
Committee - Scheduling EARLY, EARLY, EARLY Initially just pick a month/week Don’t try for a specific day/time until you are about 1 month out Doodle polls are your best friend Or Must give them document 2+ weeks in advance Don’t have to present to all 5 at once Minimum 3 (including advisor) You can (and possibly should) meet with them individually
Committee – Managing B,D,A Before: Make sure you ask them ( is fine) During: They’ll be happier if there is good food They may argue amongst themselves – let them They might grill & ask you questions Stay calm, but be prepared Don’t freak out & blindly commit to stuff in the closed session After: Update them afterwards as you progress or w/ major changes Do this individually Shoot for about 1/yr unless they request more frequent updates
Paperwork New Department Form This is more for them than you They might forget/not be aware of it Bring copies of it for them Request for Admission to PhD Candidacy form On website (just google search it) Title, Abstract, Committee Members Also submit your Program of Study
Title Page Ex.
Format – The Presentation Just convert into a min presentation Should cover the same sections Don’t expect to cover a slide in less than a minute (meaning slides MAX)