Organizing and conducting training Seminars/workshops
Session objectives Session objectives: At the end of the session participants are able to: Explain the steps involved in organizing training seminars / workshops. List out useful tips for preparing and conducting of training seminars.
1.Decide dates 2.Select the Training Venue 3.Get approved the Budget 4.Finalize Time table & Session plans 5.Identify Resource persons Steps involve in organizing & conducting training
6.Inform the participants 7.Organize Materials & Equipments 8.Conduct pre-training meeting 9.Brief external resource persons 10.Make last minute checks Steps involve in organizing & conducting training -( contd)
1.Select the Training Venue Should be: Functional for training Comfortable
Location Size Layout Easy to travel Facilities
…before the intervention thoroughly brief the resource person request for a presentation outline before the actual session. ask for presentation handouts for distribution to participants discuss fees or reimbursement of expenses beforehand …during the intervention introduce the guest speaker explain how the topic to be presented. allow for questions and discussions after the presentation at the end of the presentation, summarise the session, highlighting pertinent learning points or any follow-up actions deemed necessary. When using external resource persons
During training, create a conducive learning environment from the outset use visual aids alternate training methods in line with situational needs know how to present effectively to adults.
Create a conducive learning environment Seating arrangements organise an official opening ceremony. start the course by introducing each other introduce the seminar objective and the seminar program. agree on ground rules facilitate feedback/evaluation sessions regularly during the seminar.
Use visual aids Use alternate training methods in line with situational needs Lecture – for transfer of knowledge Individual exercise – planning for business Group discussions Case study – enhancing training by discussing actual situations that clients can identify with Field visit – enhance the classroom training through practical visits to areas of interest.
To Present effectively to adults Adults are: Motivated. Active. Time conscious Utilitaristic. Responsive Experienced
1.Be relaxed. 2.Be alert. 3.Be a team player. 4.Be methodological. 5.Use materials effectively. Ten golden rules of effective trainer 6.Aim at variation. 7.Interact. 8.Follow at entrepreneurs’ pace. 9.Be time-conscious. 10.End the session properly
Session objectives Session objectives: At the end of the session participants are able to: Explain the steps involved in organizing training seminars. List out useful tips for preparing and conducting of training seminars.
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