Famous Trials Speeches A guide to a successful PowerPoint and speech.
PowerPoint Requirements Minimum of 12 slides Minimum of three appropriate photos or graphics No more than three words per line, no complete sentences Citations page- last page of presentation
Speech Requirements 4-5 minutes in length Eye contact Audience awareness Notes in PowerPoint and printed for speech PowerPoint supports speech, speaker gives speech- audience should need speaker present for clarification.
Background Information Provide information on who the accused is/was. Pertinent information on his/her/their life prior to the accusation and trial. Other historical or cultural information viewers may need to fully understand the trial.
Trial Basics What was the individual accused of?
Trial Basics When did the trial take place?
Trial Basics Who was involved? You may consider separating each group into a separate slide, depending on how much information you gathered and how significant their role in the trial was. Judge Prosecution Defense Jury Witnesses
The Verdict Significance of the verdict Controversy surrounding the verdict
Inconclusive Evidence or Unanswered Questions? With some trials, the evidence was inconclusive and the individual was acquitted. What questions still remain unanswered? What information were you unable to find? What unknowns still exist?
Your Verdict- Did you agree with the verdict?
Why This Trial Is Famous This is your concluding slide. All information presented earlier should allow the viewers to draw conclusions as to why this trial is famous. You should articulate your views here.