Welcome to West Paris Baptist Church End Times Seminar: The Anti-Christ.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to West Paris Baptist Church End Times Seminar: The Anti-Christ

The Anti-Christ? His Person and His Work

His Person

Preceded by the falling away 2Thessalonians 2:3 Question – Is the falling away occuring now?

Manifestation is hindered by the restrainer 2Thessalonians 2:6-7 Question – Who or what is the restrainer?

Will appear in the later times Daniel 8:23

Will not appear until the day of the Lord has begun 2Thessalonians 2:2 Questions: – Does Satan know the day or hour? – No! What would that mean in terms of satan having the Anti-Christ?

Is a blasphemer Ezekiel 28:2 Daniel 7:25 Revelation 13:1; 5-6 Question: – How do you see this manifesting itself?

Marked by intelligence and persuasiveness, and by his subtlety and craft, and by his subtlety and craft, so that his position over the nations is by their own consent Daniel 7:8; 20 Daniel 8:23 Ezekiel 28:6 Revelation 17:13 Question – How does this compare with Satan in the Garden of Eden and in the desert tempting Christ?

His rise comes through his peace program Dan 8:25 Question: – Why through peace programs does he rise?

Chief interest is might and power Daniel 11:38

Powered by Satan, and controlled by the pride of the devil Ezekiel 28:9-12 Revelation 13:4 Ezekiel 28:2 Daniel 8:25 Question – How dangerous is pride?

While his activities last for 7 years, his satanic activity is confined to the last half of the tribulation Dan 7:25 Daniel 9:27 Daniel 11:36 Revelation 13:5

He is a gentile, sea depicts a gentile nation Revalation 13:1 Revalation 17:15

The harlot (the corrupt religious system) is instrumental to rise in power and seeks to dominate him Revelation 17:3

Comes out of the 7th Kingdom which was Roman Empire, will be give the power to rule all, he will be given power to make war against the saints Revelations 17:8-14

He rises from out of the Roman Empire. Dan 9:26 Revelation 17:9 Questions: – What happened after the fall of Rome? – Does this mean Rome? Why or why not? – What other possibility/ies are there?

Fierce warrior whose power comes from Satan Daniel 8:23-25 Revelations 13:1-10

Will appear to have a fatal wound to the head, but will be healed Revelation 13:3 Questions: – Why do you think it says appear? – Will his healing be a miracle?

False Prophet makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the Anti-Christ after his miraculous healing of the head wound. Revelation 13:11-15

His Activities

Confirms 7 year covenant with Israel which is broken in 3 ½ years Daniel 9:27. Question: – Does this have to be a new covenant?

Will rise to power devouring three kings and wages war against the believers Daniel 7:7-8, 20-26

Head of the last for of gentile world dominion. Therefore a political leader Rev 13:1, Dan 7:7-8; 20-24, Rev 17:9-11

Influence is world wide and rules over all nations, comes through the alliance he makes with other nations Rev 13:8 Dan 8:24, Rev 17:12 Question – Is the one world government’s foundations being put into place today?

Rules over all the nations with absolute authority, and is manifested in change of laws and customs Daniel 11:36 Daniel 7:25 Question: – Isn’t that happening even now?

Creates a one world Government Daniel 7:16-24 Daniel 2:41-42 Revelation 13:2-7

Controls all commerce and trade via the mark of the beast (One world currency) Revelation 13:16-17 Question: – What is the mark of the beast? – Is it possible now?

Introduces an idolutrous worship, and sets himself up as god Daniel 9:27 Daniel 11: Thessalonians 2:4 Revelation 13:5 Question – Is it possible for people to be idolutrous today?

Anti-Christ declares he is God Ezekiel 28:1-10: 2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus says the Lord GOD; Because your heart is lifted up, and you have said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet you are a man, and not God, though you set your heart as the heart of God:

Head of Satan’s lawless system, and his claims to power and to deity is proven by signs from satanic power 2Thessalonians 2:3 2Thessalonians 2:9-19 Questions: – What kind of signs do you think He will do? – Are these signs genuine?

Received as god and as ruler due to the blindness of the people 2Thessalonians 2:11 Questions – Can you see blindness in people today? – How does it show?

This religious system will be destroyed by him so he can rule unhindered Rev 17:16-17

Becomes the great adversary of Israel Daniel 7:21,25; 8:24 Revelation 13:7

He will gain control of Israel and adjacent territory, and he will make Jerusalem his headquarters Dan 11:42, 45

Becomes the special adversary of the Prince of Princes, his program, and his people Daniel 8:25 2Thessalonians 2:4 Revelation 17:14 Daniel 7:21, 25, 8:24 Revelation 13:7

Will behead the Tribulation Saints Revelation 20:4

The Outcome of the Anti-Christ

An alliance will come against him, which contests his authority Ezekiel 28:7 Daniel 11:40,42

His judgment will take place at the Lord’s second coming, and will constitute a manifestation of His Messianic authority 2Thessalonians 2:8 Daniel 7:22 Revelation 11:15

The kingom over which he ruled will pass to the authority of the Messiah and will become the kingdom of the saints Dan 7:27 Question: – What is the Lord’s judgement on the AntiChrist? – When will it occur?

His rule will end by a direct judgement from God, This judgement will take place when he is engaged in a military battle in Israel, and he will be cast into the lake of fire Ezekiel 28:6 Daniel 7:22, 26, 8:25, 9:27, 11:45 Revelation 19:19-20 Ezekiel 28:8-9 Revelation 19:19 Revelation 19:20 Ezekiel 28:10