FS&N School Staff Meeting May, 2015
Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement 5.Safety (MH) 6.Items from Student Education Committee (PK) 7.Items from Research Committee (CO) 8.Items from Postgraduate Committee (AM) 9.Admissions and Widening Participation (CE) 10.Finance (CR) 11.HR Issues (CR) 12.Athena Swan (CO) 13.AOB 14.Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday, 15 th July, 2015.
4. HoS’s Statement Staffing Plans IPE Research Income The Complete University Guide League Table 2016 Student Retention Open Days/Summer School
Staffing Plans The plans have been agreed by the overwhelming majority of staff and are supported by the Dean There has been a lot of discussion about the plan. I have listened to all the comments and suggestions and the plan has evolved and is now much clearer The plan is a plan for the School, to ensure its future success as a School of Food Science & Nutrition, integrating food science and nutrition in a world- leading way The direction of travel has been strongly supported by the School; if accepted by IPE there will no major changes to the plan over the next 3 years other than up-dating
IPE (Thursday, 14 th May) We are the only School in the Faculty to be able to achieve the 5% surplus on income by 5 years The 1 st Year of the staffing plan is included in our finances Years 2 and 3 are included for approval of the direction of travel Increasing research income will be a key area of questioning
The Complete University Guide 2016 Food Science
2016 Rank 2015 Rank NameEntry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Quality Research? Intensity Graduate Prospects Overall Score 17Surrey Kings CL Leeds Nottingham Coventry Reading QUB Aberystwyth Newcastle University Campus Suffolk
Where are Points Won and Lost? Surrey: Entry Standards went up from 398 to 473! (Leeds went from 396 to 421) Leeds: NSS and Employability are the 2 areas that we can improve in the short term
Student Retention More UG students have left the School this year than in my previous 15 years here added together The majority of these are Nutrition students Retention has always been a star feature of the School; and is a feature we are judged against We must sort this out as a team What will be the consequences of not getting this right?
Open Days/Summer School
5. Health & Safety (MH) ‘Non-standard equipment’ specially built by outside companies or (eg) Physic Workshop must have the appropriate safety documentation The University has banned the smoking of e- cigarettes in University buildings
6. Items from the SEC (PK)
7. Items from R&IC (CO)
8. Items from PGRC (RE)
9. Admissions & Widening Participation (CE)
10. Finance (CR)
Finance Our in-year surplus may be slightly larger than forecast – we may not go into in-year deficit next year Our increased student numbers (over plan) have meant that we have been able to spend ~£600k on equipment/infrastructure beyond original plans
Finance MSc Project money will be allocated this month at £200 per student Goods delivered must be receipted by 30th June 2015
11. HR New Staff Leavers Recruitment SRDS/Annual Academic Meetings Shared Parental Leave Policy
12. Athena Swan (CO) No Silver Renewal Period of grace until April 2016 to resubmit School focus groups to discuss the School action plan and subsequent impact
13. AOB 14. Date of next meeting – 15/7/15