“Our approach to EDS and PFD” Elizabeth Horne Director of Human Resources
Background UK's largest specialist cardiothoracic hospital and the country's main heart and lung transplant centre 23,000 inpatient and day cases 59,000 outpatients 278 beds Patient experience – top 20% Employs 1,600 people Income £120 m (Pay £65 m) Member of Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP) and EAHSN
Workforce Profile
Business Case Aim: “Set Standards and Change Behaviour for the Benefit of Patients and Staff”
What Did We Do? Set up an Equality and Diversity Taskforce Group – Chaired by Medical Director and includes elected and nominated governors, patients, staff side and PALS Set up Equality and Diversity Workshops Equality Impact Assessments and published on intranet Linking Equality and Diversity to staff development – KSF outlines Incorporating Equality and Diversity in Induction and Training Programmes – Mandatory for all staff to attend either “Working or Managing at Papworth” Workshops Stakeholder involvement - reference groups, collating evidence informing design and delivery.
What Influened?: NHS Constitution Pledges to staffExpectations from staff For staff the NHS will strive to: Provide well designed and rewarding jobs Provide all staff with personal development, access to appropriate training for their jobs and line management support to succeed Provide support to staff to keep themselves healthy and safe Engage staff in decisions that affect them and the services they provide both individually and through representatives Staff should strive to: Maintain the highest possible standards of care and service, taking responsibility not only for the care you personally provide but also for your wider contribution to the aims of your team and the NHS as a whole Take up training and development opportunities provided Contribute to a climate where the truth can be heard and the reporting of, and learning from, errors are encouraged
What Did We Do? Papworth People campaign ‘Papworth People’ campaign is being used to brand Personal Governance and other initiatives including the Service Improvement Programme, for example: ‘Papworth People’Valuing You Working Differently Caring for Patients Valuing Health & Wellbeing Achieving Excellence Your ideas Your talent Your innovation Your input to patient care Your health & wellbeing
Personal Governance will be measureable structured approach around the individual’s: Actions Behaviours Competencies Personal Governance Corporate Governance Clinical Governance Personal Governance
Objectives Metrics Targets Projects Performance Review Standards Behaviours Measures What We DoHow We Do It Values
EDS – Where Did We Start? Listened to our staff and patients through: –Investors in People Award –Staff Survey Results –Patient Survey Evolving process: building on successes and lessons learnt
Equality Delivery System 2 x amber (developing) 10 x green (achieving) 6 x purple (excelling) In 2012, the external review of the Trust’s performance against each of the 18 EDS outcomes resulted in:
4 Objectives
4 Objectives (cont)
Key Messages Incremental development but sustainable = equality and diversity issues embedded into organisation; Owned by the hospital and supported by the Board of Directors and Board of Governors; Partnership Working with Stakeholders is paramount to success Allocate Funding, Time and Resources “Everyone is equal but sometimes you have to treat them differently” “I am willing to make the mistakes if someone else is willing to learn from them”