Building Research Skills for 21 st Century Students Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
New ELA and Reading TEKS for More emphasis on Research/Inquiry Skills increase from Kindergarten to 12 th grade Available online at Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
Examples of Kindergarten Skills: (19) Research/Research Plan. Students ask open-ended research questions and develop a plan for answering them. Students (with adult assistance) are expected to: (A) ask questions about topics of class-wide interest; and (B) decide what sources or people in the classroom, school, library, or home can answer these questions. Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
Examples of Middle School Skills: (23) Research/Gathering Sources. (A) follow the research plan to collect data from a range of print and electronic resources (e.g., reference texts, periodicals, web pages, online sources) and data from experts; (B) differentiate between primary and secondary sources; (C) record data, utilizing available technology (e.g., word processors) in order to see the relationships between ideas, and convert graphic/visual data (e.g., charts, diagrams, timelines) into written notes; (D) identify the source of notes (e.g., author, title, page number) and record bibliographic information concerning those sources according to a standard format; and (E) differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism and identify the importance of citing valid and reliable sources. Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
Examples of High School Skills: (13) Reading/inquiry/research. (A) generate relevant, interesting, and researchable questions; (B) locate appropriate print and non-print information using text and technical resources, including databases and the Internet; (C) use text organizers such as overviews, headings, and graphic features to locate and categorize information; (D) produce reports and research projects in varying forms for audiences; and (E) draw conclusions from information gathered. Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
How can the K-12 Databases help students meet these skills? Visit The Cookbook of “Instructional Recipes” is a collection of inquiry-based lesson plans Address core content areas Build research skills Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
The Inquiry-based Model Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
The Parts of the Lesson… Step 1 – Ask Student skills: Ask open-ended, researchable questions, Formulate additional questions ? Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
Ask Questions that Require Deep Thinking Deeper ThinkingLower Level Thinking Why should we save our water?What are the steps in the water cycle? Why are we so proud to be Texans?Can you list some of the major landmarks in Texas? How can a food chain become broken? What is a producer? Where do you see math in nature?What is the Fibonacci sequence? Why did some Texas towns become ghost towns? Which towns in Texas are considered to be ghost towns?
The Parts of the Lesson… Step 2 – Investigate Student skills: Develop strategies to locate information Locate a range of resources – including electronic print materials Identify valid, reliable sources Take notes Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
The Parts of the Lesson… Step 3 – Create Student skills: Organize and connect ideas Create graphic organizers Analyze information Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
The Parts of the Lesson… Step 4 – Discuss Student skills: Draw conclusions Synthesize information Produce a final report or project Share findings with peers Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
Final Projects that Require Deep Thinking… Why should we care about global warming? Deeper ThinkingLower Level Thinking As a scientist working for NOAA, you have been assigned the task to compare climate changes in the U.S. and two other countries in the world (or in your community and two other communities) over the last 20 years. Record and present your observations, and make your recommendations for the future. Create a multimedia slideshow that describes the causes and effects of global warming. Include statistics from your research.
The Parts of the Lesson… Step 5 – Reflect Student skills: Assess one’s own understanding and skills Evaluate quality of final report or project Generate additional research questions Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
How can you Integrate the K-12 Databases in your Classroom? Browse the Instructional Recipe collection Download your own template to customize a lesson Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008
Learn More… Enroll in a no cost online course created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Curriculum Integration with the K-12 Databases (3.0 hours of CPE) To register, point your browser to: Click the link “Online Training Modules” Online research and information resources available through a partnership between the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, the Texas Education Agency and Education Service Center, Region 20 Created by Education Service Center, Region 20 Fall 2008