Welcome to the East Forsyth High School Media Center
Student Access to Media Center We are open from 8:00-4:00 every day Students can come and work during lunch as long as they have permission from their 3 rd period teacher. Teachers reserve class time to bring their students to the Media Center.
The Media Center Policies
Reference and Research Materials
Mobile labs with wireless access and Media Center Computer Lab Have you signed into a computer yet? If your name is Jonah Smith and your Student # is Username: jonasmit5678 Password: (the first time logging in; you will be prompted to change it).
You need to make sure you have your computer account established! Connect to wireless access. Go the Internet Login just like you would if were logging in to a computer on campus. What is the best academic use of your device? How do you access WSFCS Public Wireless?
Online Databases and Resources for Student and Teacher Research Needs Library of Congress Destiny Online Catalog NC WiseOwl ABC CLIO American History Citation Maker
Current Fiction We offer some of the most popular fiction titles available to teens! Bluford Series Hunger Games and much more!
Short Story Collections
Biographies and Autobiographies
Eagle’s Express Book Club First meeting : September 25 th at 3:45 Where: Media Center What is a dystopia? What is a utopian society? Join the Eagle’s Express Book Club and read some awesome dystopian books from the past and present. Some titles that book club members will vote on area: The Giver Divergent The 5 th Wave Feed The Time Machine Brave New World 1984 Fahrenheit 451
Check out the great books at the Eagle’s Express East Forsyth High School Media Center Questions????