Organic Agriculture 2008: Results from the survey on organic farming world-wide Helga Willer, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress June 18-20, 2008 Modena, Italy Archived at
The Global Organic Survey 2008 Since 2000 the global organic survey is carried out by FiBL, IFOAM and SÖL supported by Nürnberg Messe, since 2008 also by ITC and SECO Data provided by country experts, including representatives from NGOs, certification bodies, governments, researchers Data of Data (organic land area, farms) from 135 countries Land use information for almost 90 % of the world‘s organic land, varying levels of data depth though. Main results published in the book ‚The World of Organic Agriculture‘ (FiBL/IFOAM and Earthscan) Available at, and
edition of ‚The World of Organic Agriculture‘ Results of the FiBL/IFOAM Survey on global organic farming 2008 Continent reports from experts, some country reports Chapter on the global organic market Legislation, harmonization, certification: Current situation Almost 35 authors contributed to the study; in total about 140 persons provided information
Global Organic Farming 30.4 million hectares of agricultural land are managed organically 12.3 million hectares are in Australia Almost 30 % of the agricultural land in Liechtenstein are organic During 2006: Growth in all continents
Organic and in-conversion land area: The 10 leading countries Source: FiBL Survey, June 2008
The ten countries with the highest shares of organic land in 2006
Development of organic and in- conversion land area Growth in all continents during 2006 Compared to 2005: Increase of 1.8 million hectares The highest increase during 2006: Australia/Oceania (more than 600‘000 hectares) and Europe (more than 500‘000 ja) Increase of organic land in more than 90 countries Trend 2007: Further growth (e.g. Lithuania + 25 %; Czech Republic + 11 %; Austria +2.7%) Source: Surveys by FiBL, SOEL and IFOAM
Development of organic farming in the continents Source: Surveys by FiBL, SOEL and IFOAM
Growth of the organic/in-conversion area in 2007 Source: FiBL Survey 2008
The 10 transition/developing countries with most organic/in-conversion land 2006 Source: FiBL Survey 2008
The 10 transition/developing countries with the highest share of organic/in-conversion land 2006
Use of organic/in-conversion land world- wide 2006 Source: FiBL Survey 2008
Organic and in-conversion wheat area 2006; the 10 leading countries Source: FiBL Survey 2008
Organic/in-conversion grape area; the 10 leading countries Source: FiBL Survey 2008
Organic/in-conversion olive area; the 10 leading countries Source: FiBL Survey 2008
Organic/in-conversion coffee area; the 10 leading countries Source: FiBL Survey 2008
Distribution of global revenues with organic food and drink 2006 Source: Organic Monitor (Sahota 2008)
Growth of the global market for organic food and drink Source: Organic Monitor (Sahota 2008)
Per capita consumption of organic products: The ten leading countries in Europe Source: Survey by FiBL, ZMP, Aberystwyth University, Agromilagro Research
Development of major European markets 2006/ 2007 Source: Survey by FiBL, ZMP, Aberystwyth University, Agromilagro Research *Estimate
Conclusions The organic land area continues to grow – in all parts of the world In some countries the organic land area and the area of certain crops are have reached considerably shares Cropping patterns in developing & transition countries reflect the high importance of exports¨in these countries, domestic markets are developing too Demand is, however, concentrated in Europe and North America; in many countries demand is outpacing organic food supply The major markets have shown considerable growth rates in 2006 and in 2007