Began Operations in One of the first transit systems in California to apply for TDA (Transit development act) funding. 5 Fixed transit routes Operates Monday-Saturday Over 180,000 passengers annually 80% of passenger are “Transit Dependant”
Coordinated Transit Coordinated Transit Collaboration with Sonoma County Transit and Golden Gate Transit on Route Coordination, fare structures, discounts and free transfers. Collaboration with SCTA on regional Transit issues and funding including TFCA Coordinated Fixed Route Riders Guide Partnership with Sonoma County Transit on new Transit Mall
Current Projects Current Projects Youth Outreach / Back to School August 4 Service Changes Evaluation TFCA Grant for marketing (Implementation)
TFCA Marketing Implementation TFCA Marketing Implementation Riders Guide Reimbursement! 3 Position Bicycle Racks Community Outreach Free Ride Month Cool the Earth
Free Ride Month To reward Petaluma passengers and encourage more residents to ride public transit Early October – Early November This signifies the City of Petaluma’s continued efforts to encourage transit use, The reduction of Green house gases, bicycling, and walking Concurrent with other Outreach efforts, such as the Mayor’s Bus Ride! In August service is on time over 93% of the time since the change! TFCA funding will off-set fare value and can contribute to farebox recovery Results experienced in similar communities suggest positive long range results
Merced Transit Results Free Ride program led to widespread awareness of public transit Sustained transit rider retention rate of 18%, so people continued riding the bus and were willing to pay the fare! Provides an excellent pilot to review trips taken without economically prohibitive factors
Cool the Earth Previously known as Cancel a Car Will promote the reduction of green house gas’s, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian commutes Target is one or two schools that lead to a community cross-section Establishes a symbiotic interaction between students and parents to influence “clean earth” decision making
Participate in the Effort Participate in the outreach Encourage transit use Take “advantage” of the D Street Bridge closure to promote transit, bicycling and pedestrian commutes Walk, bike or take the bus somewhere you haven’t before!