Ouye Mingram Consulting, Facilitators July 11 and 19, 2011 Public Access Technology Benchmarks Forums California State Library Focus Groups
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Benchmarks Project California’s Role Discussion Questions Q & A AGENDA
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Disrupt Pilot & Seed Scale Sustain Create Access Direct Infrastructure Investments Create Access Direct Infrastructure Investments Sustain Access Investment, Capacity, Advocacy Sustain Access Investment, Capacity, Advocacy Anchor Access Capacity Advocacy Anchor Access Capacity Advocacy
Benchmark Goals A tangible set of public access technology benchmarks designed to Help local library leaders use technology to support local community priorities and deliver library programs. Benchmarks help library leaders prioritize and manage public access technology Motivate reinvestment and inspire continuous improvement Community outcomes and positive social impact
National Participants Urban Libraries Council Lead Facilitator International City/County Management Association Pilot Facilitator CA, TX, OK Lyrasis, OITP, PLA, TSG, WJ, UM, UW Implement/Adopt Facilitators Jamie Hoard Foundation
Implementation and Adoption ($50,820 Grant) State Library is a member of the Benchmarks Roundtable Two pilot libraries in CA Salinas Public Library Sacramento Public Library Two Focus groups with public libraries to determine how to best implement benchmarks in California Webinar to elicit additional feedback California’s Role California Implementation and Adoption Plan for Next Grant Marketing Communication Types of tools needed to support implementation California Implementation and Adoption Plan for Next Grant Marketing Communication Types of tools needed to support implementation
Question 1 How could your library benefit from public technology access benchmarks?
Question 2 What are the challenges, issues and/or barriers to the adoption and implementation of benchmarks?
Question 3 What would encourage you and your community to use benchmarks?
Question 4 What tools would support your use of the benchmarks?
Question 5 Would a benchmark tool help you determine what services to provide or change current services?
Question 6 How could you use benchmarks as leverage with decision makers, patrons, partners, others?
Question 7 What questions do you think you will get about the benchmarks from decision makers, staff, union, others?
Question 8 How likely will your library be to participate in the benchmark program?
Additional Thoughts? 1.How could your library benefit from benchmarks? 2.What are the challenges, issues and/or barriers to the adoption and implementation of benchmarks? 3.What would encourage you and your community to use benchmarks? 4.What tools would support your use of the benchmarks? 5.Would a benchmark tool help you determine what services to provide or change current services? 6.How could you use benchmarks as leverage with decision- makers, patrons, partners, others? 7.What questions do you think you will get about the benchmarks from decision-makers, staff, union, others? 8.How likely will your library be to participate in the benchmark program?
Additional Input Opportunity Webinar July 25, 2011
Anything else you need to know? Thank you! Think of something later? Stacey