Planning a unit on sound using the principles of GPS. GPS Glossary
Standards Based Classroom A standards-based classroom is a classroom where teachers and students have a clear understanding of the expectations (standards). They know what they are teaching/learning each day, why the day's learning is an important thing to know or know how to do, and how to do it. They also know that they are working toward meeting standards throughout the year. Standards-based learning is a process not an event. Standards Based Classroom Observation Form
What is a Standard? A standard is something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value or quality. A standard defines the broad expectations for an area of knowledge in a given domain and may include an expectation of the degree to which a student expresses his or her understanding of that knowledge. Ex: Airline pilots have standards they need to master before licensure.Airline pilots
Content Standards Content standards are broad statements of what students should know and be able to do in a specific content area. They state the purpose and direction the content is to take and are generally followed by the elements. Ex: S1P1: Students will investigate light and sound Ex: S4P2: Students will demonstrate how sound is produced by vibrating objects and how sound can be varied by changing the rate of vibration.
Elements Elements are part of the content standard that identify specific learning goals associated with the standards. S1P1: Students will investigate light and sound S4P2: Students will demonstrate how sound is produced by vibrating objects and how sound can be varied by changing the rate of vibration. c. Investigate how vibrations produce sound. d. Differentiate between various sounds in terms of (pitch) high or low and (volume) loud or soft. e. Identify emergency sounds and sounds that help us stay safe. a. Investigate how sound is produced. b. Recognize the conditions that cause pitch to vary.
Content Descriptors GADOE Content Descriptors Science Grade: 4 Domain: Physical Science Domain Description Physical Science refers to describing how tools affect light, and explaining how sound is produced and changed. This domain also refers to explaining how simple machines are used, and describing the relationship between force and motion. Standards Associated with Domain S4P1 S4P2 S4P3 Associated Concepts, Skills, and Abilities Investigate how sound is produced Recognize the conditions that cause pitch to vary
Essential Questions An essential question gets to the heart of a particular enduring understanding and helps students relate the factual knowledge to the concepts on the unit. There are two types of essential questions that are used in the GPS frameworks:
Essential Questions Broad/Overarching Go to the heart of the discipline Re-occur naturally in the discipline May not have a definitive answer Raise other important questions
Essential Questions Unit/Content Specific Relate to specific aspects of the content Frame specific set of lessons or units May be answered as result of lesson May not have a definitive answer
Enduring Understandings An enduring understanding is a big idea that resides at the heart of a discipline and has lasting value outside the classroom. Enduring understandings should be transferable between units of a course and between courses in the same content area.
Resources for developing EQs/EUs Regis University Planning Templates
Activities involving sound Let’s try out some of the activities that are described in the text and see if we can incorporate some of them into our unit plan for sound.
Tools to Consider Concept Maps Graphic Organizers Common Assessments Depth of Knowledge Differentiation ELL SWD Gifted students
Evaluation Performance Tasks Common Assessments Formative Assessments Culminating Performance Tasks Performance Levels Performance Level Descriptors Anchor Papers Rubrics
5e Lesson Model Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate