A Vocabulary Review Activity
Setup Directions: Type a vocabulary word on each of the following 10 slides in the subtitle textbox. When complete, run the show by pressing F5 on the keyboard. One student stands with back to this presentation. The class gives the student clues to the vocabulary word onscreen as a clock keeps time. The student tries to guess the word before the buzzer.
Ready to play?
arable The is…
Human capital The is…
Gross domestic product (GDP) The is…
entrepreneur The is…
Literacy rate The is…
Economic growth The is…
Bill Gates The is…
Natural resources The is…
Command system The is…
supply The is…
Market system The is…
demand The is…
scarcity The is…
quota The is…
Acid rain The is…
Unitary The is…
alliances The is…
currency The is…
Mixed economic system The is…
Trade barriers The is…
Market system The is…
Currency exchange The is…
tariff The is…
glasnost The is…
embargo The is…
Pyrenees Mountains The is…
Ural Mountains The is…