TThe main purpose of this project is to provide cost effective safety measure at level cross TThis project is a part of complete system for monitoring the operation of an LC gate with out manning it. it basically collect the data and performs actions(opening and closing of gate) IIt works on the data provided by the GPS system on the loco.
TTaking such incidents into account it is extremely important to introduce safety measures in unmanned LC. CCost involved in manning an unmanned LC gate EEliminating human error which is major cause of accidents PProviding efficient interlocking methods which are foolproof & cost effective as the present interlocking methods are quite costly.
Global position tracking unit is a device that uses the global positioning system to determine the precise location of a vehicle,person,or other asset to which it is attached and record the position of the asset at regular intervals The recorded location data can be stored within the tracking unit or it may transmitted to a central location data base, or internet connected computer,radio,satellite modem embedded in the unit
1. Crossing warning signal Manually operated signals Manually activated signals are operated by level crossing staff, on instruction transmitted by telephone or telegram signals from the nearest station Automatic operated signals Automatic warning signals need short track circuit or markers which detect the train and activate the warning indication at LC these warnings indications are usually flash light or sound emitted by bell 2, Mechanical crossing barriers It is operated by level crossing staff using hand or electrically powered levers, It is operated by level crossing staff using hand or electrically powered levers, 1.manually operated system
In the GPS based wireless protection system both loco and gate units will be provided with dual wireless communication system. The major components of the gate controlling system 1) RF transceivers 2) PIR sensor 3) Alarm circuitry 4) Warning signal circuitry 5) Motor circuitry(server motor or stepper motor) 6) Microcontroller(PIC)
RF transceivers are electronic devices that receive and demodulate radio frequency (RF) signals, and then modulate and transmit new signals. RF transceivers consist of an antenna to receive transmitted signals and a tuner to separate a specific signal from all of the other signals that the antenna receives. Radio techniques are used to limit localized Interference and noise.(Amplitude modulation(AM),Frequency modulation(FM),ON-OFF key (OOK),Amplitude shift key(ASK),Frequency shift key(FSK),Phase shift key(PSK),Etc) Important specifications for RF transceivers (include data rate, sensitivity, output power, communication inter face, operating frequency, measurement resolution, and maximum transmission distance. Data rate is the number of bits per second that can be transmitted.
A Passive Infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic device that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. PIR sensors are often used in the on traction of PIR-based motion detectors. Apparent motion is detected when an infrared source with one temperature, such as a human, passes in front of an infrared source with another temperature, such as a wall. All objects above absolute zero emit energy and is in reference to what is known as black body radiation. It is usually infrared radiation that is invisible to the humane eye but can be detected by electronic devices designed for such a purpose.
this project utilizes two powerful PIR transmitter and two receivers,one pair of transmitter and receiver is fixed at up side (from the train comes) at a level higher than human being in exact alignment and similarly other pair is fixed at down side of the train direction sensor activation time is so adjusted by calculating the time taken at a certain speed to cross at least one compartment of standard minimum size of the Indian railway
I have considered 5 seconds for this project sensors are fixed at 1000 miters on both sides of the gate we call fore side sensor pair for coming towards gate train and aft side sensors for the train just Crosse the gate when foreside receiver get activated, gate motor is turned on in one direction and gate is closed and stay closed till train crosses the gate and reaches aft side sensors when aft side receiver get activated motor turns in opposite direction and gate opens and motor stops. Buzzer will immediately sound at the fore side receiver activation and gate will close after 5 seconds so giving time to drivers to clear gate area in order to avoid trapping between gate. And stop sound after the train has crossed. Two other indications are provided for station master to know the status of gate in case the gate is not closed due to any reason a red signaling light fixed well before gate is enough to alarm the train driver to stop the train. The project is simple implementation and subject to further improvement. Based on Atmel 89c51 microcontroller.
INPUT SECTION (PIR sensor) CONTROL SECTION microcontroller OUT PUT SECTION 1.Alarm circuit 2.Gate control 3.Led signals
Our system can be incorporated to design and implement innovative Passen ger Information Systems (PIS) based on real time information of train positions. LED-Display panels put up at railway stations can display arrival departure time of each train enabling the public user to make informed decisions on their journeys. Route number, destination of the arriving vehicle and waiting time can be displayed with real time information. With accurate forecasting of train arrival-departure at stations, Easy to use mobile applications can be designed and implemented to enable train commuters to easily subscribe to our service and obtain latest train schedule information via mobile devices The use of GSM over RF significantly improves the feasibility and availability of our system. Despite the high mobile penetration and number of mobile telecom service providers (GSM) covering the island, RF usage and the range is poor in many available transmitters. The central control system includes a server for handling and processing all the position information received from train locators via the GSM network. It may be used to transmit the information via massages in mobile phones. Also a central base station can be implemented so that it can route the data received to different gates and thereby controlling all the railway stations around a ma jor junction. It will be working basically as a server to route the data