Turbine control panel consisting of following. A, Turbo supervisory system. B, Hot well level control. C, Oil system operation & control. D, Turbine extraction system, E, Turning gear system . F, 505 wood ward governor control system. G, Contactor/relay logics, interlocks, annunciations, indicating controllers, selector switches and push buttons.
A, Turbo supervisory system Turbine thrust brg. temp ( in-active) alarm at 110 deg and trip at 120 deg. Turbine thrust brg. temp (active)alarm at 110 deg and trip at 120 deg. Turbine front brg. Temp.Alarm at 110 deg and trip at 120 deg Turbine rear brg. Temp.Alarm at 110 deg and trip at 120 deg R/G pinion front brg. Temp. Alarm at 110 deg and trip at 120 deg
continue R/G pinion rear brg. Temp. Alarm at 110 deg and trip at 120 deg R/G Wheel front brg. Temp. Alarm at 110 deg and trip at 120 deg R/G Wheel rear brg. Temp. Alarm at 110 deg and trip at 120 deg Generator front brg. Temp. Alarm at 75 deg and trip at 85 deg Generator rear brg. Temp. Alarm at 75 deg and trip at 85 deg.
Vibration monitoring system (14 channel SHINKAWA MAKE VM-5 SERIES) 1, Axial displacement -1 to +1mm Alarm at ±0.45mm and trip at ±0.60mm 2, Turbine front shaft brg vib. (Dual) 0 to 100µm. Alarm at 40µm and trip at 80µm 3, Turbine rear shaft vib. (Dual). 0 to 100µm 4, R/G pinion shaft vib. (Dual) 0 to 200µm Alarm at 85µm and trip at 125µm
continue 5, R/G Wheel shaft vib. (Dual) 0 to 200µm Alarm at 120µm and trip at 180µm 6, Generator front shaft vib. (Dual) 0 to 200µm Alarm at 80µm and trip at 160µm 7, Generator rear shaft vib. (Dual) 0 to 200µm 8, Rotor diff. expansion. -5 to +5 mm Alarm at ±1.5mm and trip at ±2.0mm
B, Hot well level control Yokagawa UT-350 indicating PID controller. INPUTS Hot well level transmitter (displacer type) 4 to 20 mA input. as a feedback. OUTPUTS 4 to 20 mA output to hot well level control valve as a PID output. Normally we are maintaining 50 % hot well level in auto.
C, Oil system operation & control. We have to get the system start at least 2 hrs before or till to get the desired oil temperature 40deg.c. before turbine startup.
Gas Vapour Fan Start GVP for oil reservoir oil vapour extraction GVP can be started and stopped by push button on TCP. There is no any tripping interlocks with turbine. Running , stop and fault indication is available on TCP panel, Running and fault indication going to DCS for graphic indication.
Auxiliary Oil Pump (AOP). 1x100 1, Start AOP for bearings lubrication. 2, AOP can be started and stopped by push button and indication is also available on TCP 3, After normal running of the turbine, MOP will come in ckt. And AOP will be stopped automatically at 95% speed and AOP will be available on stand by mode. 4, AOP pump discharge pressure low 3.9 kg/cm2 (Alarm) Normal=5.9kg/cm2
Auxiliary Oil Pump (AOP). 1x100 5, MOP discharge oil pressure low at 3.9 kg/cm2 (Alarm) Normal=6.0 kg/cm2 6, Lub oil pressure low at 1.0 kg /cm2 (Alarm) and AOP will be automatically get started. Normal=1.67 kg/cm2 7, Lub oil pressure low low at 0.7 kg /cm2 (Trip) 8, Running and fault indication going to DCS for graphic indication.
Control Oil Pump (COP) 2x100 Start COP for governor control oil ckt ,over speed system, emergency shut of valve and trip ckt. COP can be started and stopped by push button and indication is also available on TCP. One number in operation and one number in standby. Normal= 15 kg/cm2 COP discharge oil pressure low at 11 kg/cm2 (Alarm) 2 N0s ( One No. for each pump)
Control Oil Pump (COP) 2x100 Control oil pressure low at 10.6 kg/cm2 (Alarm). and standby pump will be automatically get started. Control oil pressure low low at 6.6 kg/cm2 (Trip). Trip oil pressure low alarm at 2.5 kg/cm2 (Alarm) Normal=4.0 kg/cm2 Running and fault indication going to DCS for graphic indication.
Emergency Oil Pump 110 VDC (EOP) 1x100 Emergency oil pump driven by DC motor can be started and stopped by push button and indication is also available on TCP. Normal operation of the turbine EOP will be in off condition and ready to start (stand by) will be available at TCP in black out conditions. EOP discharge pressure low at 0.7kg/cm2(Alarm). Running and fault indication going to DCS for graphic indication.
Other Alarms and interlocks for oil system Automatic start and stop of oil tank heater Lub oil filter DP high at 0.8 kg/cm2 (Alarm). Control oil filter DP high at 0.8 kg/cm2 (Alarm). Oil reservoir oil low switch (Alarm ). Oil reservoir oil high switch (Alarm ). Oil reservoir oil low low switch (Trip ). Run down tank oil level low (Alarm)
OTHER ANNOUNCIATIONS LIGHT FAULTS (Alarms) 54 windows LIGHT FAULTS : Warning Alarms (42 Nos.) HEAVY FAULTS : Alarms with tripping( 30 Nos.) LIGHT FAULTS (Alarms) 54 windows 1,Inlet steam temp low switch at 400 deg (Alarm). Normal=490 deg c 2,Inlet steam temp high switch at 500 deg (Alarm). 3,Exhaust steam temp high switch at 120 deg ( Alarm) Normal=50 deg c 4,Lub oil temp. after oil cooler at 50 deg. (Alarm) Normal=40 deg c
Alarms ( continue) 5,Governor light fault (Alarm) 6,Exhaust steam pressure high -0.5kg/cm2G (Alarm) Normal=-0.87kg/cm2 7, Hot well level low (Alarm) BY LS 8, Hot well level high (Alarm) BY LS 9, Inlet steam pressure low 40 kg/cm2G (Alarm) Normal=62 kg/cm2
Alarms (Continue) 11, One loop controller fault ( Alarm) 10, Inlet steam pressure high 67 kg/cm2G (Alarm) 11, One loop controller fault ( Alarm) 12,Temperature alarms 10 Nos. 13, Vibration monitor 08 Nos. 14, Oil system 13 Nos. 11+10+08+13 =42 Nos. (12 Nos. spare)
HEAVY FAULTS (Alarm with trip) 36 window 1, Governor heavy fault (from 505 controller) 2, Remote trip ( from external interlocks) 3, Hand trip (Manual trip) 4, Over speed trip ( from actual over speed switch) 5, Exhaust steam pressure high 0.5 kg/cm2G 6, Exhaust steam temp. high at 150 deg c.
Trip Alarm (Continue) 7, Generator heavy fault 8, Hot well level high BY HI HI LS 9, Hot well level low BY LO LO LS 10, Temperature Trips 10 Nos. 11, Vibration monitor 08 Nos. 12, Oil system 03 Nos. 9+10+08+03 =30 Nos. ( 06 Nos. spare)
D, Turbine extraction system, There are totally 3 extraction system in our turbine, start and stop command is through DCS. Close and open indication is available at TCP.
E. Turning gear system During the start up of the turbine, turning gear can be started and stopped by push button and indication is also available on TCP. When turbine speedup beyond 150 RPM the system automatically disengage and it will come in auto standby. Turning gear clutch will be automatically engaged when turbine RPM reaches at 50 RPM and indication also available at TCP panel.
F. 505 wood ward governor control system. 1, 505 wood ward governor control system is used in our 18 MW turbine is to operate the electronic hydraulic amplifier. 2, 505 controller is used to start at ideal and rated by semi automatic mode. 3, Off line PID for startup and On line PID for on load control is used in 505 controller.
G, Contactor/relay logics, interlocks, annunciations, indicating controllers, selector switches and push buttons. Turbine exhaust hood steam flow. INDICATING CONTROLLERS 1, Turbine inlet steam pressure 2, After first stage steam pressure 3, Exhaust steam pressure 4, 1st extraction steam pressure
Continue 5, 2nd extraction steam pressure. 6, 3rd extraction steam pressure. 7, Control oil pressure. 8, Lube oil pressure. 9, Gland sealing steam pressure. 10, Turbine inlet steam temp. 11, Exhaust steam temp. 12, Surface condenser hot well temp.
Continue 13, 1st extraction steam temp. 14, 2nd extraction steam temp. 15, 3rd extraction steam temp. 16, Turbine thrust brg. Temp (in-active) 17, Turbine thrust brg. Temp (active). 18, Turbine front brg. Temp. 19, Turbine rear brg.temp. 20, Reduction gear Pinion front brg. Temp.
Continue 21, Reduction gear Pinion rear brg. Temp. 22, Reduction gear Wheel front brg. Temp. 23, Reduction gear Wheel rear brg. Temp. 24, Generator front brg. temp. 25, Generator rear brg. temp. 26, Lube oil temp. before cooler. 27, Lube oil temp. after cooler Total = 27 Nos.