Supertech Eco Village-I There are several decisive factors that makes a home complete. Undoubtedly, a home is the best place to relax and have fun with the people close to your heart. Every person on this earth wishes to have a dream house with a number of facilities and a great environment. A very few people get the chance to get the dream house that they wanted to have, rest keep on dreaming about it. Also, no one can compromise on the locality of his/her dream home since it affects a lot when it comes to have a healthy lifestyle. One of the places which are mounting at a closer velocity in the NCR region is the Noida Extension (Greater Noida). With several malls, community centers, schools and super markets in the vicinity, this place is good enough for someone's dream house. Amalgamating all such impactful factors, Supertech group is providing you with a fruitful opportunity to feel their well established society. Coming with their one of the largest selling housing project Supertech Eco Village.
Amenities & Location Advantages 24 hour water & power supply Vaastu friendly fengshui layout & design Swimming pool, Health Club, Medical Centre, Ayurvedic Massage Centre Badminton Court, Tennis Court & Amphitheatre Shopping complex with in the complex In-house clubs with exclusive facilities In house garbage/sewage treatment plan Guard room at main Entrance for Efficient manual extension.html