… Keeping the Government accountable
The National Parks Association of NSW seeks to achieve a “No hunting in national parks” agenda by the March 2015 NSW State Election.
Amateur, recreational hunting programs are ineffective, and fundamentally change the way we use our national parks. For the long term, it changes the perception of the community that national parks are safe, family friendly and places that protect nature.
THE POLITICAL ASK: The NSW Premier, Barry O’Farrell has seen the backlash from this decision. I/We ask that the NSW Coalition Government take steps to reverse this unpopular decision immediately.
Conversations with the public... NPA objected to rec hunting in State Forest’s What are the alternatives? NPA supports an increase in resources dedicated to a professional, integrated pest management strategy coordinated and managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
NPA’s central website for the campaign
NPA organised 20 rallies around NSW. 12 of these were instigated by a member of the community with these three things in common: They were not a member of NPA They were not a member of any conservation group, bushwalking group or political party They were outraged by the notion of hunting in national parks and wanted to take action
42 local councils on board
11,500 signatures... Issue debated in the People’s Parliament
Consistent messaging for the NPA brand
“ Allowing volunteer hunting within our national parks undermines their core values of nature protection, and the passive enjoyment of visitors. “ “ We call on the Premier of NSW to reverse this unpopular decision in the interest of public and park safety, animal welfare and best environmental outcomes. “ “ No Liberal or National member of the NSW Government has challenged the NSW Premier on his poor leadership on this unpopular decision. “ “ NPA is working with other interest groups to repeal changes that allow amateur, recreational hunting to occur in NSW national parks, before the next state election.” “ Together, we can reverse this unpopular decision in the interest of public and park staff safety, the welfare of our native animals and the environment.”