Marketing, the industry and the downturn
How we got the results 130 indepth phone interviews in August-September A mix of plant, products and service companies Marketing spend in construction industry over £30,000
What do you want? Now Brand awareness – 46, 29 Sales leads- 42, 21 Specific products/services – 34, 20 Changes 22% change – move towards leads
Show me the money Average budgets Materials - £177k Plant - £141k Agencies - £177k Site services - £121k Commercial vehicles - £70k Law - £63k
Downturn hits… Spend in rest of financial year Up11 Down30 Same52 Don’t know7 BALANCE-19% (or 4.5% of spend) sector Materials-39 Plant-26 Commercial vehicles-33 IT/comms+22 Site services-15 Law-40 Agencies-5
Picture in Spend in next financial year Up28 Down23 Same35 Don’t know14 BALANCE+5% (zero effect on spend)
…by sector *Materials-12 Plant+11 Commercial vehicles0 IT/comms+51 Site services+36 Law0 Agencies-6
What you use Advert in trade press 85/24 Direct mail 69/17 E-marketing 93/16 Literature 77/8 Seminars/conferences 58/8 Exhibitions 68/5 Adverts in directories 62/2
Three most popular… Advert in trade journal 24/52 Direct mail17/40 E-marketing16/48
E-marketing used Own web site and 89 SEO62 Other peoples website48 Webinars15 Other13
Return on investment… *Internet or e-marketing32 Adverts in trade press18 Direct mail18 Telesales11 Hard copy brochures8 Exhibitions8 Corporate hospitality6
Trends in behaviour… E-marketing77/5 Seminars/conferences22/8 Direct mail22/12 Adverts in trades 20/35 Exhibitions17/14 Events7/15
What trade journals? Construction News72/37 Contract Journal54/19 Building32/15 NCE7/0 Professional Builder7/2 PMJ3/1
How do you choose? Quality of readership42 Quantity of readers23 Cost13 Upcoming features11 Agency decide8 Research what target reads5
Which is best targeted Construction News55/44 Contract Journal27/18 Building21/12 Other13/34
Interest in… *Regional44/22 Networking events14/45 Digital editions18/35 alerts14/33 Web sponsorship14/34 Video/audio12/35 Awards12/35