Software Design of Electronics Tests and Data Acquisition for a New Gas Detector ZHAO Dongxu 1, 2 ZHANG Hongyu 2 YUE Xiaobo 1 ZHAO Yubin 2 CHEN Yuanbo 2 GUAN Xiaolei 2 WANG Xiaohu 2 1 Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha, China 2 IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
3He MWPC: A new gas detector which can realize very high detecting efficiency and precision of location to heated neutrons. 3He MWPC Electronics : 6U VME 64x Crate System controller: CCT Pre-amplifier: 2 types MCAC: Calibration and Control module 1 MQ: Charge measurement module Fan-out modules: 3 Electronics MWPC (Multi-wire proportional chamber) detector and GEM (Gas electron multiplier) detector will be used in Chinese Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Project. At present, prototypes of each system have been set up. Each prototype consists of detector, electronics and software. Electronics and software of each detector are similar. System Components GEM: A new gas detector which can realize high count ratio, radiation resistance and high ratio of space and time resolution. GEM System structure
Visual C++ Creates dynamic link library (DLL) Configures electronics hardware reads out event data from MQ modules to CCT controller. Methods used to read out: Interruption Chained BLock Transfer (CBLT), with data width 64bit parses events to get useful data stores data in files LabVIEW Graphic User Interface calls C++ DLL to access VME bus Run control, online status display and histogram display parses event data to do offline analysis, e.g. calculating cg location, Gaussian fit and so on shows results mainly in the form of graph. Three types of graph are used: histogram waveform graph point graph LabVIEW program C++ program C++ DLL Creates DLL Returns data Calls DLL Software structure
Calibration mode: Software controls MCAC module to create calibration signals Test the function of each hardware module Evaluate performance by giving charge resolution, integral non- linearity (INL), noise level and waveform reconstruction ensure that electronics work well during experiments. Charge resolution Charge Spectrum statistics Data acquisition mode: Software runs in: Cosmic ray experiment Radiation source experiment Beam test Acquire and analyze data to study the performance of the detectors. Software working modes Cg location distribution Waveform Reconstruction