“Four Generations Working Together” Alyssa Foulke
The Four Generations Traditionalists – born before 1945 : This generation’s members prize loyalty and prefer a top-down approach to management. Traditionalists are dedicated, hard workers, respect authority and believe that authority is based on seniority and tenure.
The Four Generations Baby Boomers – born : This generation’s members are characterized by their optimism and their idealism. Baby Boomers are driven, typically workaholics, although they some are skeptical of authority many are becoming like Traditionalists and believe that time equals authority.
The Four Generations Generation X – born : This generation tends to distrust institutions and prize individualism. Generations Xers are a group of individuals that are cautious and skeptical. They are very outcome oriented. Want independence in the workplace and informality.
The Four Generations Millennials – born : Although this generation is just entering the workforce, they recognize that they will not only change their employers but they will change the type of work they do. Millennials thrive in a collaborative work environment and want to enhance their skills by continuing their education. They are ambitious and will test authority but often look up to authority figures when looking for advice and guidance.
Generation Gap
Communication between Generations In organizations with 500 or more employees, 58 percent of HR professionals reported conflict between younger and older workers, largely due to differing perceptions of work ethic and work/life balance. Nearly a quarter of HR professionals say differences over acceptable work hours are the primary source of conflict, which reflects different perceptions of work ethic and benefits like telecommuting and flextime.
Influences - Millennials TechnologicalSocietalBusiness Perspectives and messaging are their # 1 tools, everything technology Ambitious but not entirely focused. “Me first” attitude. High expectations for their managers to mentor them to be the best. ValuesBecause of technology they value being able to work anywhere and anytime Want to make contributions to the world. Focus on children/family. Voice. Always looking for more. Looking for meaningful work and innovation. ParadigmsTechno savvy – everything digital, virtual teams Want to please others. Always on the go. Work seen as a “filler” for the time between weekends. Work to spend.
Millennials – Work Satisfaction Length of work shift and day : 10 to 12 hour days – work 4 days a week at most.
Millennials – Work Satisfaction
Reward & bonus structure: Want recognition opposed to raises. Paid based on work done not time at work. Feedback on work being done. Strategies used to motivate : Time off, working with other smart/talented people. Work/life balance : If presented with a work promotion that will throw their life out of balance, they will choose their lifestyle. Balance is important but they will only occasionally sacrifice the balance.
Millennials - Competencies managing change solving problems and making decisions managing politics and influencing others taking risks and innovating setting vision and strategy managing the work enhancing business skills and knowledge understanding and navigating the organization
Success Planning Mentoring/knowledge management/transfer : Feel challenged. Feel respected. Offer valuable information that will help them solve their problems. Raise the expectations as they set high expectations for themselves. Contribution. Mentoring is important to them. Management mobility : Achievement oriented. Collaborative. Obsessed with career development. Always on the go, want to grow teams networks.
Success Planning Recruitment & Selection : Help them to better understand how to recruit other generations. Older generations want face to face interaction. Achievers. Employee retention : encourage internal innovation, track progression and development, encourage skilled employees to work alongside. Retiree resources : Many, many years down the road. Help to understand what to look for in hiring people who have already retired and what options they want in the workplace. Staff development : Want to continue to seek more experience and opportunities, willing and eager to take risks
References Cardoso, L., Gott, J. & Wright, R. (2013). Gender matters for generation Y. Retrieved from /asset_publisher/VMEx2L1PhjPS/content/gender-matters-for-generation- y/10192?_101_INSTANCE_VMEx2L1PhjPS_redirect=%2Fweb%2Fwomen-s-forum%2Fideas- and-insights Checklist for communicating to different generations. (n.d.). Retrieved from communicating-different-generations Gaulic, T. (2014). Vets, Boomers, Gen X and Millennials, Oh My! Tips for managing a multigenerational workforce. Retrieved from vets-boomers-gen-x-and-millennials-oh-my-tips-for-managing-a-multigenerational- workforce
References Generational differences chart. (n.d.). Retrieved from Gibb, C. (2013). How will millennials transform the future of law? Retrieved from Leadership competencies. (2008). Retrieved from Rizzo, R. (2009). Creating Synergy in a Four-Generation Workplace. Retrieved from 743b afbfbaa2ad3/Creating%20Synergy%20in%20a%20Four%20Generation%20Workplace_Student%20Workb ook.pdf Ultimate software. (2015). Four generations in the workplace. What’s that like? Retrieved from