Tampa’s Internet Strategy What we are trying to achieve Defining E-Government Tampa’s Experience Tampa’s Internet Strategy
Increase access by citizens to City Hall Conduct eCommerce on their own time at their home or work place Quick responses Improved service delivery Provide access to a wide range of City information What We Are Trying To Achieve
How we are going to do it One-stop access for citizens Less errors with citizens inputting data Reduction of backlogged paperwork Numerous situations can be handled at once Eliminates non-productive time
Business Perspective Businesses are web-enabling their applications Businesses are placing more emphasis on innovation - delivery of service ideas
Conducting business electronically Provide citizens and businesses access to information and services via the internet One-stop access to government via the Web, interactive TVs, and telephone voice Begins with static information, i.e. meeting notices, phone numbers for more information Next level, conduct business over the web Defining E-Government
Tampa’s Experience Tampa began providing information on the Internet in 1996 By 1999, the City’s web site is an integral part of disseminating information to the public
Approach We are at the door of the age of E-Commerce In order to stay connected - other means of doing business need to be pursued Service delivery is changing An innovative government will attract new residents and businesses RFP
Citizens able to transact business with the City 24 hours a day - 7 days a week Building & Zoning Services Public Safety Services Employment Services Parking Services Vendor Services Business License Services Complaint Handling Educational Programs & Surveys Utility Services Account Inquiry Video Streamlining Leisure Services Tampa Convention Center
A collaborative effort between the City and Must be easy to use, universal, dynamic, collaborative, customizable, proactive, securable, and manageable Tampa’s Internet Strategy for transacting business private enterprises to establish the Internet business portal
Selection of a Business Partner 8 firms responded to our RFP NIC was selected as our Internet partner
Self Funding Business Model Different service options will be offered Most services will be free Specialized value added services such as permit applications may have a convenience fee Subscription service could offer specialized services to targeted groups.
Today’s Meeting Introduction of NIC Internet Services Deployment Strategy