Carroll County Middle School Plan for Improvement
Language Arts/Reading ESS Daytime Waiver during the school day with a focus on GAP students. (2 People) Reading Intervention for Special Needs students: Rotation: Read Naturally-Great Leaps- Non-Fiction reading passages focusing on OR’s and MC. Training for staff Kansas Reading Strategy. Gates Foundation Grant w/ Louisville Writing Project. Reading and Writing across all Content Areas, all staff except Math Teachers.
Language Arts o Freda Klotter, Reading Specialist will be working with new teachers on various reading strategies within classroom. 2 Days a Week o LEA Approach with 3 special education students. (Instructional Assistant) o 15 additional 6 th Graders in READ 180.
Writing Louisville Writing Project Jan. 10 Feb. 11 Mar. 18 Apr. 19 On Demand Scrimmage Monthly starting in Jan.
Math ESS Daytime Waiver during the school day with a focus on GAP students. (1 Person) Reciprocal Reading Flip Chart for word problems. Carnegie/Mathia
Science and Social Studies 7 th Grade Science Intervention/Enrichment focused on moving students from Apprentice- Proficient-Distinguished. Flashback Fridays Freda Klotter in Social Studies.
Scrimmage Testing School Wide Jan. 15 Feb. 13 Mar. 12 Apr. 17 Celebrating Proficiency And Growth of Students.
Explore/Plan/ACT Explore Scrimmage Testing within Content classes 30 minutes every three weeks Experimenting with a program through Career Cruising that is a part of students ILP. (Explore like questions that are timed).