Mrs. Stone
The CSU Expository Reading and Writing Task Force has developed a curriculum and professional development materials for an expository reading and writing course to be offered to high school students in their junior or senior year. The course is designed to prepare students for college-level English and it is aligned with the California English-Language Arts Content Standards. The course assignments emphasize the in-depth study of expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. This course not only satisfies the 4th year high school "a-g" English requirement, but also will address critical reading and writing problems identified by the CSU English Placement Test Development Committee. -
70% of college freshmen entering CCCs are two or more levels below college level Of this 70%, only 13.4% achieve an AA or transfer to another college Fall 2012: 33.6% of students who entered the CSU did not demonstrate proficiency in English (Remedial course required) Average GPA of students needing remedial courses: 3.19 (Remedial courses do not count towards graduation, but you are still paying for them.) In conversation….no remedial courses due to budget cuts. If you are in need of a remedial course, you will not be accepted. That is 35% of college entry students!
Students in college (ALL CLASSES) - and people who are informed citizens - know how to read rhetorically and question things, argue, and form valid claims Students in college and people who are informed citizens know how to read rhetorically and question things, argue, and form valid claims – not just because you are told to do so by a professor, but in all aspects of life…..Things on the internet, newspapers, listening to political speeches and agendas, etc. You will learn to read and write rhetorically, which is required for a successful college career and beneficial to any citizen who wants an open mind.
College is made up of reading, tests, and papers (essays). In ALL CLASSES. Therefore….. Not “getting” English in high school doesn’t only affect your college English classes; if you can’t effectively complete the work in Expo 11/12, you can’t “get” most of your college classes. Or much of the material out there in life.
RHETORIC = the ability to use language effectively/the study of the effective use of language READING RHETORICALLY – not just reading for information, but interpreting to see how the author accomplished his/her objective – be able to recognize bias and the author’s rhetorical methods (Ethos, Pathos, Logos, certain stylistic techniques….)
Analytical reading Academic discussion Mature Academic Perspective Knowledge of and ability to address verbally and in writing rhetorical, linguistic, literary and syntactical devices in the writing of others The ability to clearly and effectively organize their own writing, and present coherent and thoughtful arguments
Grade 11 CST Essay Multiple Choice Results: Exempt – College Ready Conditionally Exempt (CSU Expo 12 – C or higher) Not Ready
MVUSDMurrieta Mesa RiversideCalifornia 2011 % exempt31%29% 2012 % exempt30%33% 2013 % exempt30%31% % Conditional 19% Total Exempt/Condit ional 49%50%35%38%
Reading every night! Annotation Consistent Homework
Check out their homework – discuss it with them, ask what they’re doing in class Make sure they have a place to do homework that is quiet where they can focus and possibly spread out Use my webpage to keep up with assignments and homework Use Parent Portal to monitor grades and assignments