Kara Dohrenwe nd Wildland Scapes, LLC P.O. Box 672 Moab Utah g The Mill Creek Teen Summer Work Program: Revegetation, Education, Pregnancy Prevention and Job Skills Training
PROJECT PARTNERS Bureau of Land Management Four Corners Behavioral Health Rim to Rim Restoration Wildland Scapes
Mill creek Moab
OVERALL PROJECT GOALS Job Skills Training Ecological Education Pregnancy Prevention Exotic Weed Removal Erosion Control Revegetation
The Work Day …
Hiking to work
Circle Up
Eating Lunch?
Where’s the shade????
Cooling down
THE FIRST YEAR Mapping to help define the problems Creek cross sections and transects Compiling notes from the day
A typical day of erosion and trail notes Trails and erosion
BLM map of field data used for directing field work in 2001 and 2002
Vegetation distribution on the canyon floor Exotic species densities Vegetation Exotic plant distribution
SECOND YEAR Erosion Control
Exotics Removal
Trail Delineation
THIRD YEAR The main project site for 2002
Removing an olive to make a wattle
Wattles ready to go
Installing wattles made from russian olive branches
Success and failure…
Stephanie Ellingham, Bureau of Land Management Moab Office Laurie Collins, Four Corners Behavioral Health The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for funding in 2000 The Bureau of Land Management for funding in 2001 and 2002 In memory of Linda Seibert Thanks To…..