Brought to you by: Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
A good number of states in the U.S. have legalized the use of medical cannabis. Even though recreational use of this substance is still controversial, it has been proven to have a lot of medical benefits. Medical cannabis has been found to be great when it comes to relieving pain. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Tetrohydrocannabinol, or THC, which is the most recognized active ingredient in this substance is responsible for the pain relieving effects. It is this same ingredient that is responsible for the high that people usually get when they smoke it. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Medical cannabis has also been found to cure post- traumatic stress disorder which is a condition that causes temporary impairments to the memory. It is already approved to treat this condition in some states in the U.S. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
In a study that was conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services, it was confirmed that oral doses of medical marijuana helps to relieve various PSTD-related symptoms including agitation, flashbacks and nightmares. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Another important benefit of medical cannabis is spurring creativity in the brain. Contrary to stereotypes that are usually associated with stoners, usage of this substance has been found to have some positive mental effects especially when it comes to creativity. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
It is true that a person’s short-term memory usually tends to get worse when they are high, but when they get better, they usually come up with radically new ideas. Some people even get better at their verbal fluency while using medical cannabis. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
This creativity is usually associated with the release of dopamine in the brain, which in turn lessens inhibitions and allows a person to feel more relaxed. This in turn gives the brain the ability to perceive things differently. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Medical cannabis is also used for treating an autoimmune disorder known as Systemic Lupus Ertyhematosus. It is a disorder that causes the body to start attacking itself for reasons that are unknown. There are some chemicals in medical cannabis that have been found to have a calming effect on the immune system, and as a result they are able to deal with the symptoms associated with this condition. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Its use has also been confirmed to boost the metabolism and help people who usually have problems with their appetite. Cancer patients that are being treated with chemo as well as HIV patients are among people who usually experience loss of appetite. This substance will be of great use to them. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
This substance is also a great sleep aid. Research shows that THC, which is the active ingredient in this substance, has sleep-inducing effect. People who suffer from insomnia will therefore benefit a great deal from its usage. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
It can also be used to treat glaucoma, which is a condition that increases pressure in the eyeball, something which may in turn damage the optic nerve and cause loss of vision. Medical marijuana helps to reduce the pressure inside the eye. This is according to a research that was carried out by the National Eye Institute on people with normal pressure as well as those with glaucoma. Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Be sure to check out Path Consulting from time to time for more detailed articles on medical cannabis. Path Consultingmedical cannabis Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Brought to you by: Proven Benefits of Medical Cannabis