Gas exchange: CO 2 out and O 2 in Control of blood pH Sound/voice production Olfaction Protection for invading organisms
The nose consists of the external nose and the internal nasal cavity The nostrils are called the nares.
Mucus traps microbes and debris Cilia sweep the mucus to the esophagus to be digested Air is also moistened and warmed
Common passageway for the digestive and respiratory systems Contains the tonsils which help the body fight infection
Site of the vocal cords Laryngitis – inflammation of the vocal cords The epiglottis ensures food is sent to the correct passageway by opening or closing.
Long tube of smooth muscle and connective tissue Cartilage rings provide protection and prevent collapse
Two main branches that lead to each lung Very sensitive to stimulation so tiny changes may trigger strong cough reflexes
The lungs are found within the pleural cavity that is inside the thoracic cavity.
A few mL of pleural fluid is always present in the pleural space. It is needed for the lungs to properly function. Too much fluid build up is called effusion.
You have a left and a right lung The functional units of the lungs where gas exchange happens are the alveoli. CO 2 and O 2 are exchanged by diffusion