Trials Search Co-ordinators, Archie & RevMan 5 Lynn Hampson, Sheila Wallace, Gail Higgins, Karen Hovhannisyan Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Outline of workshop An overview of the review process, TSCs & Archie & RevMan 5 Archie and RevMan 5 features relevant to TSCs Hands-on training Evaluation
The review process, TSCs & Archie & RevMan 5
Review update R R Title registration Review R R P Protocol Managing editors Authors Peer reviewers etc RevMan
Duplicate title search Authors’ contact details added to Archie as ‘Possible contributors’ or ‘Authors’ Title registered Title registration stage
Protocol stage View the protocol –Current version –Published version Download –PDF –RevMan 5 Reports –Document –Validation Check in/out Search methods for identification of studies & search strategies –Draft or edit or comment Add search strategies Use Check-in wizard to send comments to ME P RevMan
View & compare the review –Current version –Published version Download –PDF –RevMan 5 Reports –Document –Validation Review stage Check in/out Comment or edit Validate as you write Import, & edit studies & references Check links Use Check-in wizard to send comments to ME RevMan R R R R
Archie features relevant to TSCs
Comparing versions of reviews in Archie
To compare the most recent version with an earlier version or the protocol, open the review Properties (double-click the title or right-click and choose Properties) and go to the History tab.
Comparing versions of reviews in Archie The most recent version will be highlighted by default; press Ctrl + the version number for comparison, then click Compare.
Comparing versions of reviews in Archie You can save or print this “comparison” document using the icon buttons in the upper left corner of the viewing screen.
Validation report Archie produces a Validation Report for all the reviews. To view your Group’s Report, right-click the name of your Group in the Resources tree view and choose Reports > Validate all Reviews.
In the Validation report you can see any problems with the references if the reference is not linked any missing data, i.e. title, DOI number, etc.
Editing your Review Group’s Module
To edit your Review Group‘s Module, locate it in the Module’s folder in your group’s folder under the Resources tab. Right click on the Module and choose Edit.
Use the tools on the toolbar to edit the text of the Module Click Save and Exit to save your edits and check in the Module into Archie Click Discard to check in without saving your changes Editing your Review Group’s Module
Viewing and editing topics lists
Review Group’s Properties Your Review Group has a Properties sheet, which you can open by right-clicking the name of the Group in the Resources tree view and choosing Properties. The Properties sheet provides basic information about the Group
Review Group’s Topic List Topics – Displays the Group’s Topics List and shows which reviews fall under each topic.
Review Group’s Topic List Your Group’s Topics List can also be viewed as a Report in Archie. To view the List, right-click the name of your Group in the Resources tree view and choose Reports > Topics List.
The viewer for this Report includes a number of unique options across the top, including Show reviews, Show authors, and Show links to The Cochrane Library, which you can tick to display additional information. You can also print the Topics List
RevMan 5 features relevant to TSCs
Editing tools in RevMan 5
You can use Track Changes.
You can use Text Marker.
Spell checking – can be modified for British, American, or Canadian spelling. Right-click menu for correct spelling.
“Validate as you type” function can pick up errors or warnings in the references
Can attach (unpublished) notes to any section of the review.
Importing references into RevMan 5
Producing files for importing into RevMan 5 The references can be imported into RevMan 5 in RevMan, RIS or MEDLINE format For more details on how to export references in a RIS format from your Reference Management software check the Help file of your software or visit zzz for a detailed information
Output stiles RevMan output styles available on > RevMan > Documentation > Reference Management
Choose ‘File’ then ‘Import’ then ‘References’
The ‘Import References Wizard’ then guides you through the import process
A pop up menu appears which allows you to browse for the file that you wish to open
Choose the file you wish to import
Then select the file format, the one suggested by RevMan is usually correct
Choose which section to import the references into
For individual references you can choose which ones to import and into which section they should go
The references are imported now Please be aware that depending on where from the references were imported they may require a further editing in RevMan 5
The Cochrane Workflow System
What is a workflow An ordered sequence of interrelated tasks that need to be completed to achieve a finished product (e.g., a published protocol) Involves some decision tasks (“Approve/Reject”), as well as non-decision tasks May involve repeating loops or parallel strings of tasks
The tasks are listed in the workflow property sheet and grouped in accordance of their progress How it looks in Archie
How it initially works The Workflow Manager initiates the workflow and then assigns persons to each workflow role. The workflow roles will then determine how task are assigned
How it initially works Assignees can see tasks in the Organizer view in Archie: or from a ticket sent to their s: The ticket s can include the review files as RM5 or PDF, or other attachments, as well a custom message to the assignee
How it initially works After doing a task, an assignee must mark it as completed either in the task’s property sheet or by using the ticket A file (e.g. with comments) can be attached This will initiate the next task
October-November 2009, Pilot Stage 3 To be followed by rollout to all CRGs August 2008 Pre-Pilot Testing September 2008 Pilot Stage 1 March 2009 Pilot Stage 2a May-June 2009 Pilot Stage 2b Overview of workflow pilot
Need more information? Archie Help RevMan 5 Tutorial and Help TSCs User Guide Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews of Interventions Ask your RGC or IMS support person TSC Representative on the RevMan Advisory Group (Sheila Wallace)