1 FINANCIAL SUPERVISION: MEASURING UP TO GLOBAL STANDARDS Lee Jang-Yung Assistant Governor Financial Supervisory Service
Page 2 Financial Supervisory Service Contents I. Korea ’ s Financial Supervision: An Overview II. Capital Market Supervision III. International Cooperation
Page 3 Financial Supervisory Service I. Korea ’ s Financial Supervision: An Overview ‣ Korea’s financial services industry enjoyed rapid ‣ Korea’s financial services industry enjoyed rapid growth after Asian financial crisis growth after Asian financial crisis - Banking, Securities, Insurance industry : asset size - Banking, Securities, Insurance industry : asset size tripled tripled - Stock market(5 th ), Bond market(3 rd ) in Asia - Stock market(5 th ), Bond market(3 rd ) in Asia ‣ Korea’s financial services industry enjoyed rapid ‣ Korea’s financial services industry enjoyed rapid growth after Asian financial crisis growth after Asian financial crisis - Banking, Securities, Insurance industry : asset size - Banking, Securities, Insurance industry : asset size tripled tripled - Stock market(5 th ), Bond market(3 rd ) in Asia - Stock market(5 th ), Bond market(3 rd ) in Asia
Page 4 Financial Supervisory Service Evolving Global Environment Risk-based supervision increasingly applied to NBFI Capital requirements for insurance companies (EU, US) Capital requirements for securities units of banking organizations (EU’s Capital Requirement Directive) Increased integration and mutual dependence Can amplify systemic risk in global financial markets Aggressive expansion into overseas markets Need to strengthen global competitiveness of domestic firms
Page 5 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Approach to Financial Supervision 1.Raising risk management skill sets of domestic financial institutions Banking Sector Preparation for a smooth transition to a new banking regime under Basel II accord, set to take effect in January 2008
Page 6 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Approach to Financial Supervision ① Preparations Started in March 2002, finalized standards in June 2007 Adopt standardized approach or IRB approach in 2008 Preparations for the New Basel Accord Amend relevant banking regulations Set up a monitoring system ② Tasks remaining
Page 7 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Approach to Financial Supervision Insurance Companies Working to adopt a risk-based capital regime Started operating the Risk Assessment and Application System in April 2007 Securities companies Working to introduce a risk-based supervision system
Page 8 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Approach to Financial Supervision 2. Helping domestic financial institutions grow to become global players Provide a level playing field Support overseas business expansion Welcome feedback from foreigners on Korea’s regulatory environment Provide regulatory information in English Simplify and accelerate regulatory process for opening overseas branches Provide information and support services for overseas businesses
Page 9 Financial Supervisory Service II. Capital Market Supervision ‣ Korea’s Capital Market Reform ‣ International Financial Reporting Standards ‣ Capital Market Infrastructure
Page 10 Financial Supervisory Service Changing Global Environment Trend toward debt and equity Increase in financing through the capital market Financing Structure (Stock market capitalization / total bank loans) Asset securitization, such as ABS and CDO, on the rise Change Germany18.4%33.8%15.4 p.p. Japan50.4%65.1%14.7 p.p. US101.5%116.8%15.3 p.p.
Page 11 Financial Supervisory Service Changing Global Environment Regulatory reform to stimulate capital markets US: Financial Services Modernization Act (1999) UK: Financial Services Act (1986) Japan: Financial Instruments Exchange Law (2006)
Page 12 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Regulatory Policies 1.Korea’s Capital Market Reform Enactment of the Financial Investment Services & Capital Market Act to spark a “ big bang ” in the financial services industry Enacted June 2007 To take effect in February 2009
Page 13 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Regulatory Policies Financial Investment Services & Capital Market Act - Types of securities and derivatives specifically enumerated - Broad definition of financial investment products - Flexibility in designing new, innovative products and services ① Financial Products ② Financial Services Financial Investment Company (FIC) Merchant Bank Futures Co. Asset Mgmt. Co. Trustee Co. Securities Co.
Page 14 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Regulatory Policies Financial Investment Services & Capital Market Act ③ Functional Regulation Sectoral regulationFunctional regulation ④ Consumer Protection Consumers fully informed of investment risks “Know your customer” rule
Page 15 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Regulatory Policies 2. International Financial Reporting Standards Roadmap for adoption of IFRS Reporting under IFRS mandatory (2011) - May elect to use IFRS (2009) Quarterly consolidated financial reporting - Companies with assets of KRW2 trillion or more (2011) - Companies with assets of less than KRW2 trillion (2013)
Page 16 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Regulatory Policies 3. Capital Market Infrastructure Improvements in market infrastructure Consolidated securities exchanges Created Data Analysis, Retrieval & Transfer (DART), an electronic corporate disclosure system and enforced fair disclosure rules Improved listing and delisting requirements
Page 17 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Regulatory Policies Initiatives to improve market infrastructure Integrate separate trading systems for stock futures and Treasury futures Integrate trading systems for the Stock Market, KOSDAQ Market, and Futures Market Incorporate XBRL into DART Introduce electronic securities
Page 18 Financial Supervisory Service III. International Cooperation ‣ Strengthen supervisory cooperation and information exchange
Page 19 Financial Supervisory Service Changing Global Environment Need for close, concerted cooperation and coordination among policymakers and regulators Financial crisis in 1990s Crisis in global credit market triggered by subprime mortgages Flow of speculative funds and growth of complex financial groups that operate globally
Page 20 Financial Supervisory Service Korea’s Approach Supervisory cooperation Expand network of MOUs with foreign supervisors Take active part in international supervisory organizations Host international conferences Information exchange Capital market infrastructure, such as DART 1. Strengthen supervisory cooperation and information exchange
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