14-oct-2014 GEM detector configuration 1 12 stations: Z = 30 – 45 – 60 – 80 – 100 – 130 – 160 – 190 – 230 – 270 – 315 – 360 Stereo angles: 0 – 7.5 deg in stat. 1-4; 0 – 15 deg in stat Pitch: 400 um in stat. 1-4, 800 um in stat Stations A.Zinchenko
GEM plane X size, cmY size, cm dx / dy, см hot zone Z coord -Z target / 7 / 12 / 1830, / 9 / 15 / 2560, (2x66) slides (2x41)15 / (prototype) (slide 6) 80 (2x45)40 / 15130,160, (structure like in slide 6) 80 (2x45)50 / 20230,270, 315,360 R(beam pipe)= 2.5 cm (1 plane), 5 cm (12 plane), linear rise, δ=1 mm, carbon dz1(frame) = 1.5cm (G10), dz2 (sensitive volume)=1cm (~0.7% X 0 ), dx1,dy1 (inner frame) = 1.7cm (G10), dx2(outer frame) = 5cm (G10), dy2 (outer frame) = 3.75 cm (G10), dz3 = 2.5 cm (G10), spacers: net 10x10 cm, width / thickness 2x6 mm fiber glass, eff→0 Strip pitch (1-4 planes) = 0.4 mm, strip pitch (5-8 planes) = 0.8 mm, strip pitch (9-12) = 1.0 mm
x z x y xsize dx1dx2 dy2 dy1 R dz1 dz2 dz3 Structure of GEM plane 5 (4 x 66 x 41 cm, prototype) ysize
dx dy spacers X‘ coordinate (odd plane 5): 1 quarter: +75 degree 2 quarter: +105 degree 3 quarter: -105 degree 4 quarter: -75 degree X‘ coordinate (even planes, not realized): 1 quarter: +105 degree 2 quarter: +75 degree 3 quarter: -75 degree 4 quarter: -105 degree X coordinate (odd and even planes): +90 degree Structure of strips in GEM plane 5 (4 x 66 x 41 cm prototype)
Structure and length of strips in stations 1-2, 3-4 X‘ coordinate (odd planes 1,3): degree (-7.5 degree from vertical) X‘ coordinate (even planes 2,4): degree (+7.5 degree from vertical) X coordinate (odd and even planes): +90 degree (vertical)
Boundary of the Left and Right R/O boards Geometry of the JINR GEM 1632x450 chamber 5 Installation holes (Ø~5mm) R/O board width: 35mm (max) (inner zone) Place for HV divider R strips strips HV R/O connectors Left R/O board Right R/O board Number of stripsLeft R/O board Right R/O board X(0 0 ) strips Outer zone1020 Inner zone X(15 0 ) strips Outer zone1131 Inner zone Total strips: R/O Connect. (128 pins):25
X‘ coordinate (upper detectors: odd planes 7,9,11; lower detectors: even planes 6,8,10,12): +105 degree (+15 degree from vertical) X‘ coordinate (upped detectors: even planes 6,8,10,12; lower detectors: odd planes 7,9,11): +75 degree (-15 degree from vertical) X coordinate (odd and even planes 6-12): +90 degree (vertical) Strip angles in stations 6-12
Specification of the Triple GEMs based detector prototype for (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) experiment at JINR Dubna 1.Triple GEM with x,y readout from strips on anode pcb. 2.Active area 1632x450 mm 2. 3.X-strips(0 0 ) parameters: pitch: 800 µm, width: 160 µm, length: 150 mm, 300 mm, 450 mm. 1.Y-strips(+15 0 ): pitch: 800 µm, width: 680 µm, length: 155 mm,311 mm, 466 mm. 1.Drift gap: 3mm, gem1-gem2 gap: 2.5 mm, gem2-gem3 gap: 2mm, induction gap: 1.5 mm. 2.Output 128 pins connector: CLE DV 3.Support frame: width </= 15 mm, height </= 10 mm. 4.Place for gas, HV and output connectors possible on the left, right and upper ages only.
X Z beam target GEM 66x41 cm, 5 planes GEM 163x45 cm, 2-4 planes Y X Beam position 1st configuration (minimal, winter 2016/17 ) Z beam X 1 Si plane X/X’(0/2.5 degree), 25 x 25 cm 2nd configuration (winter 2016/17) Detector positions could be optimized beam / target C12+C12 (Cu or Pb), 4.0 GeV/nucleon 1 Si optional
GEM 66x41 cm, 5 planes GEM 163x45 cm, 6 planes Y X Beam position Z beam X 2 Si planes X/X’(0/2.5 degree), 25 x 25 cm 3rd configuration (maximal, summer 2017) Detector positions could be optimized beam / target Argon, Krypton+ (Cu or Pb), 4.0 GeV/nucleon