The LHC: Citius, Altius, Fortius… James Gillies, Head, communication group, CERN 27 November 2006 CERN communication strategy James Gillies, Head, Communication Group, CERN
Methodology Chronology January: JG MARS includes new plan as objective February: Paola Catapano, Antonella Del Rosso, James Gillies, Dan Noyes, Corinne Pralavorio, Christine Sutton start to work on plan March: Involve Leidar communication agency April: stakeholder survey May: Communication workshop with Extended Directorate
Methodology Purpose The purpose of this strategy is to capitalise on CERN’s current visibility in order to generate sustained support for and engagement with CERN’s scientific and societal missions. An additional purpose is to use this unique opportunity to firmly embed science in to mainstream culture.
Communication architecture
Methodology Proof points
Mandated target audiences
Non-Mandated target audiences The CERN Community The general public Alumni Media The local community Educational systems Potential sponsors Cultural and artistic community Children
Methodology Communication activities and channels
Methodology Organization today
Methodology Organization proposed
Methodology Next steps This week: Completing document for management (resource requirement, programme of work) 6 and 13 September: Finalizing with Leidar End September: Presentation to Extended Directorate 2012: ???