Musical Expression: Tempo and Dynamics
The Pace of Music Tempo: speed of the music Presto (very fast) Allegro (fast, lively) Andante (slow walking speed) Lento (quite slow) Accelerando (gradually increase tempo) Ritardando (gradually decrease tempo)
Loudness and Softness Dynamics: the relative volume of the music Italian terms to describe musical volume: Fortissimo (Very loud) forte (loud) mezzo forte (moderately loud) mezzo piano (moderately soft) piano (soft) Pianissimo (very soft) Moving from one dynamic to another: crescendo (growing louder, or increase dynmaics) decrescendo (growing softer, or decrease dynamics)
< > Moving from one dynamic to another: crescendo (growing louder, or increase dynmaics) < decrescendo (growing softer, or decrease dynamics) >
Tempo and Dynamics as Elements of Musical Expression Composers and performers use tempo and dynamics to shape expressive content of the music
Listening Activity: Tempo and Dynamics Haydn: Symphony No. 94 in G major (Surprise) second movement Let's return to the slow movement of Haydn's Surprise Symphony to consider how he treats elements of expression in the music: What to Listen For: How tempo (pace) and dynamics (volume) affect the listener's response. Moderate tempo (Andante), a walking pace. Soft opening (marked piano), then repeated even softer (pianissimo). Jarring, loud chord played fortissimo, which abruptly changes the mood. Alternation between soft (piano) and loud (forte) sections. New character in middle section, set in minor key and very loud (fortissimo).
Reviewing Concepts of Tempo and Dynamics: Tempos: Adagio: Clarinet Concerto (Mozart) Andante: Lullaby (Brahms) Moderato: Für Elise (Beethoven) Allegro: Symphony No. 5, 1st mvmt (Beethoven) Presto: William Tell Overture (Rossini) Dynamics: Pianissimo: Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven) Piano: Clarinet Concerto (Mozart) Forte: Eine kleine Nachtmusik, 3rd mvmt minuet (Mozart) Fortissimo: Ode to Joy (Beethoven) Crescendo: William Tell Overture (Rossini) Changing dynamics: Toreador Song, from Carmen (Bizet)