Nottinghamshire County Council Support for carers Telephone For information and advice, or to request an assessment of a carer’s needs To access short breaks for carers – funded by CCGs, but accessed through a County Council carer’s assessment (eligibility requirements) To access financial support for carers – a carer may be eligible for a £150/200 annual payment or (in exceptional circumstances ) a regular carer’s budget Presentation title
Nottinghamshire County Council Support for carers Access information on-line information on support for carers, and advice on welfare –a carer may also undertake a carer’s assessment on-line directory of organisations within the community – including Council services and many advice, support or information about caring for someone with Presentation title
Nottinghamshire County Council Support for carers Commissioned services for carers – jointly commissioned with CCGs Carers Hub – information, advice and support provided by Carers Trust East Midlands – open to all carers Pathways service for carers for those at the end of life – currently provided by Carers Trust on a temporary basis, to be re-commissioned by the end of the year Compass service for carers of those with moderate to severe dementia – provided by Notts Healthcare Trust Presentation title